Chapter 10: Changing Fate

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I scrambled to keep up with the fast-paced steps of the man blazing the trail. His steps echoed throughout the halls of the abandoned elementary school. I whispered, "We're, um, supposed to be quiet."

"Utter nonsense," Jack bellowed. I flinched and glanced around. "We're not rats in the sewers. We own the Satellite, Rain."

"Yeah, but, uh, we're trying to catch the people hiding out here. Sneaking is sort of our goal."

"Don't buy the drivel Kalin tries to sell," Jack retorted. "Let them try to run. Let them see how far they get."

I gulped. It was a good thing Jack was on my side. Mostly. "Actually, it's been a while since I've talked with Kalin. When I see him, he just says hi and goes back to working. Working is... all he does. And, and he has these permanent, dark circles under his eyes now. He jumps at every noise like he's a cat-"

Jack's shoes squeaked against the linoleum when he skidded to a stop. "I am not your therapist."

I blinked up at him. He was so, so tall. My curiosity defeated his intimidation. "What's a therapist?"

He sighed through his nostrils and tossed his frustrated stare to the ceiling tiles. "It means I am not here to listen to your problems, charity case."

"You, uh, don't have to call me that."

"You're right. I don't have to. I want to."


A couple of guys walked out of a classroom. They wore purple robes like they were dressed up as spellcasters. "The hell's that racket? Eh? Oh, shit! It's Team Satisfaction, and the goddamned shadow's here! Run!"

They sprinted down the hall. One tripped over a fallen desk, and the bottom of his robes fell over his head. Jack hauled him up, bashed his face against the lockers, and threw the now-limp guy over his shoulder. He said, "Keep going!"

I gave chase. The gang member ran through a wide-open area with wooden floors called the gymnasium. I palmed a card from my deck. A four-legged creature with cobalt muscles beneath silver plating appeared at my side. I said, "Hunt him."

Alien Dog's bark was high-pitched like a siren. The dog sprinted faster than humanly possible and sunk his fangs onto the fleeing man's leg before he reached the back doors. He screamed and dropped to the ground. I slowed to a walk across the gymnasium. His screams of pain echoed.

The monster dissipated. The gang member clutched at his bleeding leg. "Please don't kill me, shadow!"

"What were you doing here?"

"We were just hangin' out, I swear! We weren't up to nothin'!"

Jack approached and tossed the unconscious guy onto the floor beside his buddy. He grabbed the guy's collar and said, "Why are you with your old Magician's Four chap?"

I recalled the Magician's Four being shut down by Team Satisfaction before I was a member. The guy crawled back. Blood stained the wooden floor. "W-we were just- we- please don't kill us, okay?"

"Excellent defense," Jack said before jabbing his elbow into the back of the guy's head. Jack huffed. "This is boring compared to dueling. I almost wish I was like you and could accomplish both at the same time."

"Both what?"

"Superiority and physical intimidation through dueling," he said. "You know why five people can hold the entirety of the Satellite, charity case? It's because they fear us. They know we're unbeatable, and they know if they try..."

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