tied up.....

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Stretch POV
I stumbled into the sheriff's station hyperventilating from running here,a officer came up to me and asked what had happened and I explained what happened but oh he didn't believe me "LEFTY ENRIGHTS THERE TOO THEY GOT HI-" "lefty enright is a crazy man and I'm sure he's fine out there searching for those so called 'CHAINSAW KILLERS'" I stood there quiet irritated "LISTEN HERE THEY HAVE MY COUSIN AND IF YOU DON'T HELP ME I'LL HAVE TO GO DO IT MYSELF!" I yelled and marched out of the sheriff's station frustrated.

Lefty POV
I sat there tied up to a chair in a well lit room my vision was still a bit blurry but so far I could see perfect, the "cook" opened the door and slammed it shut then looked at me "Well look who's finally awake........SLEEPIN BEAUTY!" I clenched my teeth as he got closer "and you actually gave me a problem..." I pushed my fear down and yelled "FUCKIN ORPHAN!"(no offense 😭).

He had become quiet "wait.....ARE YOU ACTUALLY-" "NO WE GOT GRANDPA YA IDIOT!" I smirked trying to hold back laugher from his subben burst of anger "I MEAN HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT OF YA PARENTS LEFT YOU WITH YOU'RE GRANDPARENT TWO ANNOYING 8 YEAR OLD TWINS AND A BABY WHEN YOU WERE ONLY 15!" he shouted,my laughter that was burning my throat was gone but my smirk wasn't "well.....how would ya like if I killed you're nephew and sent you're niece to a therapist or the loony bin" everything went silent.

"Old fuck..." he stood there puzzled for a bit then he made a face of realization "that was yer nephew and niece..?" I slowly nodded "oops" he burst out with laugher he seriously has some emotional problems I thought to myself "say If I was sleepin beauty wouldn't that make you my prince" instantly he became red "don't that mean ya gotta kiss me" wait why did I start flirtin with him...? I thought to myself but it was already to late cupid shot an arrow and it shouldn't have hit me......

"Y-you ain't g-getin no k-kiss...." he started stuttering as he became redder " but ain't that hoe the story goes ya gotta kiss me on my lips and then I'll wake up? Or is that snow white?" I said the last with sarcasm, before I could say anything he put tape over my mouth "t-that will at l-least shut ya up..." he was as red as a paper now I sat back as he walked back out the room.....

Yes....this was going to be fun....wonder how y/n is doin....

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!"(drayton)


Word count:467

Sorry I haven't been posting I was writing another book for after this one 😅 and schools been slowing me down and writers block as well, this was a small chapter I know and I'm sorry I'll try to make a longer chapter I hope you all enjoyed this small chapter ☺️

I forgot to add this sorry I didn't know I posted it 😭😭😭

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