Part 10

501 9 14

Junko P.O.V
"You shouldn't have betrayed me Mukuro." I looked down at her on the floor in a pool of blood "I-I'm sorry Junko, please f-forgive me." I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and kicked her stomach "Bretray me again and you'll have a punishment worse than death." She nodded "Good now go and try to kidnap Izuru, I have a new plan~" after she got up soooo slowly and went away I left our hideout and went to find a certain Ultimate Animator.

Izuru P.O.V
I was walking to a vending machine near the school gate because Nagito wanted Dr hopper. Again. On my way there I noticed a figure out of the corner of my eye, following me, after a few more minutes I figured out who it was, "Mukuro, why are you following me?" I turned around to her as I said that, she made a shock expression "I need your help with something, if you would please follow me?" I guess I do oh a favour to her "Fine but be quick." Soon enough we were going down stairs in a dark hallway, we ended up in a small room and I saw her, Junko, the one who kidnapped my Nagito. Then I got pushed to the ground, I looked over my shoulder to see tears rolling down Mukuro's face "I'm so sorry Izuru." Then she  jabbed a syringe in my neck, I looked back at Junko who had a twisted smile on her face , then I passed out. I woke up and saw a  a big screen in front of me, then it counted down from 3 and played a video, it was Nagito "I despise you Izuru, I am disgusted everytime I see your disgusting face." I was shocked by what he was saying, I wanted to close my eyes but it was like they were being forced open and they wouldn't close, I wanted to get up and ran away but I was chained to the chair I was in and I couldn't escape no matter how hard I tried.  He kept saying more and more awful things to me, I hate it, i hate it, I hate it . I wanted to scream, so I did. I screamed at the top of my lungs and my scream was bloodcurdeling. I felt no more hope in me, all I felt was despair. Pure despair.

Nagito P.O.V
I woke up and remembered Izuru we to get me Dr hopper but I then looked at my phone and realised that was yesterday, where is he? The more I thought the more worried I was, I then called Chiaki because I had no one else to call to help me "Hello?" I stayed quiet for a few minutes "I'm going to hang up Nag-" "NO NO PLEASE DON'T CHIAKI, DON'T,  PLEASE!"  I just burst into tears because of how scared and worried I was from Izuru "Nagito, are you okay?" "I- I don't know where Izuru is.." "What do you mean Nagito?" "I-i went out last night to get me Dr hopper and he d-didn't return." She was silent for a few seconds "Do you want to go look for him?" I thought for a minute "Yes please...." After saying that she hang up and a few minutes later I heard a knock on my door , I opened it after wiping tears from my face, "C'mon." She grabbed my arm and then we looked around the school "Nagito this will be faster if we split up." I nodded and we split up, agreeing to message each other is we found Izuru. I walk for awhile before stopping for a break, I checked my phone but Chaiki didn't message me yet, I sighed and leaned against a statue but then I accidentally openned a secret passage way, I  decided to look for Izuru in it, I turned on my phone's torch and went into the dark passage way, I walked for ages before finding a door, I opened it and there he was, "KAMUKURA-KUN!" Tears started coming out of my eyes as I ran to him and hugged him but then he pushed me away and I fell down "Get away from me." I looked up at him confused "Kamuk-" "Shut up, don't act innocent." I got up "What are you talking about Kamukura-kun?" "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" YOU SAID YOU DESPISE ME, IM DISGUSTING-" he went on and on about things I never said Then he did something that shocked me, he pulled a pulled out from his jacket and pointed at me "K-Kamukura-kun, what are you-" "I should have done this ages ago." Then he pulled the trigger, I looked down at my chest and saw blood going through my shirt, I looked back up at Izuru "I-izuru why..." After I said that I walked up to him and grabbed his face with my hands, I pulled his face closer to mine and kissed him, "I love you, Izuru..." when I said that he looked like he broke out of a trance "Komaeda, w-what have a done?" I started feeling weak and I fell on the ground, I then coughed up blood on the ground "Komaeda no, I didn't want this, I didn't want this." I looked up at him "Izuru,  I love you..." Then everything went black.

Why am I feeling like this? ~ Kamukoma Where stories live. Discover now