Issue #40...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

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Authors note: Forty Issues aleady? Thanks everyone for the support on my new stories, whether it be my Supernatural fanfic, Yugioh Fanfic or even my poetry. I really appreciate all the support. :) I was going to post a slideshow for this chapter, but photobucket changed their settings again so right now I can't even make a slideshow!!! Its so irritating because I had this awesome slideshow planned in my mind but now I can't even do it. So if anyone know of any other places where I can make slideshows and post them onto wattpad, please leave it in the comment

So I suppose you'll all have to settle with a close up of Bakura! :P


            The speeches seemed endless as we sat outside in the heat. Even with a breeze I thought I was going to melt in that cap and gown, I couldn’t even imagine how Seto and Roran felt considering the men were all wearing black gowns that absorbed heat quicker. I was jammed in between them though and I could feel the sweat running down their sides. Ugh gross, I made a mental note to shower as soon as possible.

            “Now before we continue on with the graduation—”

            “—Yea because it hasn’t gone on long enough,” Roran sweated next to me, fidgeting in his seat, Breanna nodded in agreement, the usual flower she kept in her hair she was clenching because of the cap we all had to where on our heads instead. I think if she would have had it in her hair, it would have sweated out anyways it was so hot.

            “We will have the band play a song called Snake Charmer, directed by our head student in band.”

            The student rose from her seat, approached the podium, and cleared her throat. “I chose this song because of the winding path that our lives has taken, and….”    She continued to ramble on…

 “Oh can you please just shut up and play the music so we can get out of here?” Seto muttered under his breath.

            There was a nod of agreement between all four of us. We were all sweating away in these gowns.

            “…I hope you enjoy.” The musician said with a small smile, turning her back and waving her hands as she began to direct the song.

“I’ll enjoy it when it’s done,” Breanna panted under her breath. At first the beat of drums was slow but then it picked up the pace. It really did sound like snake charmer music. Sounded…Egyptian.

            “What is this?” Seto asked with a smirk, “Arabian Nights?” Breanna giggled in agreement with Seto, as I gave a quiet laugh in response. The band continued the drums beating down and the flutes playing. Suddenly my head began to feel lighter.

            Chills ran down my spine as I gripped the side of my metal folded chair, what the hell is going on? I shuddered.

            Seto’s eyes widened, and before I could ask what was the matter my eyes widened as well.

            Suddenly we were not at our graduation anymore. Seto and I stared each other down from across the stone room.

            We were in some abandoned room, inside the pyramid, I already remembered that. Entrez’s past flashing back into my mind, it was a memory she had forgotten, we had forgotten as the reincarnations. I was in rags, my face beaten and blistering, while Seto was in full attire for an Egyptian priest.

            Outside played an ancient song, with the beats of drums and a smooth hypnotic sound, while the festivities commenced for Atem, the Pharaoh, celebrating his transition from prince to king.

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