Issue #29...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

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PLEASE READ THIS IS IMPORTANT...Okay here's two things I noticed when reading my last chapter. One, I have the little girl's name incorrect, its Iris, not Isis, so I apologize for that. Two, when Seto's talking to Chloe, she mentions the Satellite! (facepalms) The Satellite doesn't even exist yet, because its created in the future! I fixed it so its correct now but I apologize to those who read that and were probably thinking 'what?" (Sometimes when I'm editing stuff I just skim the pages, so I apologize if something like that slips through the cracks. x___x

And Last, but not least...I made another video! I was going to wait until my christmas chapter to post it (yes I'm thinking THAT far in advance) but I just couldn't wait anymore! :3 Please tell me what you think of it, I make these videos for your guy's entertainment, not just mine. Enjoy. :D


                “My goodness you two—this isn’t an orphanage!!!” Chloe shouted—staring at Taiya, Tristan, and Joey that were taking up all of the living room space. They had staggered into the house without questions an hour ago and had taken to sleeping on all of Chloe’s furniture.

                “They did save our lives from them evil doggies Sissy.” Iris pleaded, staring at her aunt with wide eyes and pulling pleadingly at her hand. Chloe’s expression faded.

                “I suppose until they wake up—then they can go. I already sent one away today—he was a well known man—and I think he didn’t want everybody know that he was here. Actually, he kind of left on his own; seemed in a hurry to get out of here.” She said calmly.

                Next to the couch Joey began to wake up. He seemed in rough shape he sat up and calmly looked around.

                “Um…where are we again?” He asked staring at the little kids. Chloe stared down at them eyeing them respectfully. The other two began to wake up.

                “Is what Iris said true? Did you save them from a pack of wild dogs?”

                “Well, something like that.” Taiya said, blushing in embarrassment.

                “Where are we?” Tristan asked rubbing his neck in question.

                “In a small town called Strauss,” Chloe answered calmly. “What doesn’t anybody around here know where they are—it’s on the map for goodness sake!”

                “What do you mean by nobody knows—we’re the only ones here.”Joey said with a shrug.

                “Right now you are—“ Ian replied..

                “Yeah earlier Sissy said that there was somebody else here.”

Taiya glanced at Tristan with a look thinking, do you think it’s Mocuba?

                “What did he look like?” Tristan asked.

                “I’m not sure if you should know—he acted like he didn’t want to be followed.”

                “But we need to find him! We just saved your little brother and sister—you honestly think we’re going to hurt this person we’re looking for? It may not even be him!” Joey said and Chloe blushed—obviously flattered.

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