Issue #49...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

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            There was no beginning…and no end…

                       …only endless stretches of sand.

            I looked around wondering how I came to be in such a strange place. This was not my home, my forests or lakes…how had I gotten here?

            Entrez appeared next to me, her paws shifting about in the hot golden sand as she took some steps forward, leaving ruffled paw prints behind.

            “This place…” She said softly, “It’s so strange yet…”

            “…it feels familiar.” I finished her sentence, knowing exactly how she felt. She looked at me, her blue eyes exquisite.

            “Dear…” She said softly, “I do not think these are my lost memories, I think these might even be yours, you are the reincarnated spirit of Kisara.”

            I blinked, not feeling old or ancient. “Maybe…but I don’t know how I could be dreaming of a place I don’t remember, how is it even possible we have so many spirits in us? I don’t feel like I’m having an identity crisis…I know I’m the wolf,” I looked at my darker half, “and I know I’m Hope. But the Blue Eyes White Dragon and Kisara, they don’t seem like they are us.”

            “Perhaps it’s because you are already them, and they are already you.” A deep voice said, and I turned on my heels with a glare, Entrez turned as well, her teeth bared, and suddenly a sandstorm hit us dead on, whipping our hair in the wind. I covered my eyes as Entrez lowered her head next to me, her eyes closed tightly.

            “Who are you!?” We shouted in unison, the wind slamming us with as much force as it could. I felt my feet began to slide as the sand underneath me shifted. The sand storm quickened pounding us even more, I dropped to my left knee unable to keep standing anymore.

            I looked next to me, and Entrez was gone…

            “ENTREZ!!!” I cried, looking around me as I turned trying to see anything in this storm was impossible.

            Soon the storm slowed and I could see blue skies in broken bits of the storm up ahead of me, I quickened my pace, trying to get to it. As I broke through the last gust of wind I soon realized I was in the eye of the storm, the sand circling around me like a cyclone.

            I wasn’t the only one in the eye of the storm. Entrez growled, only a few feet from the stranger.

            “What kind of spirit are you…” She growled, “and what are you doing in this place!?”

            The man with black hair, and red and yellow highlights did not answer, but his gaze flicked to me.

            “Yugi?” I asked, but then soon realized this to be false, Entrez had already recognized this was not Yugi. Yugi and him were the same height and even had the same hair and clothes…but his violet eyes were different, darker even.

            “No,” He answered and my heart thudded in sync with Entrez’s as we exchanged glances. “I am Atem.”

            “So you are the Pharaoh.” She said knowingly, no longer baring her teeth and daring to kill him.

            “And you are Kisara,” He noted to me, his purple eyes flicking then to Entrez, “And you the Blue Eyes White dragon.”

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