Whats Happening?

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Hey guys! Sry this isn't a part but I wanted to tell you guys what's going to be happening in the story. As for JJ and Gilinsky I'm going to keep it real and go with their relationship statuses as they change. So yes Gilinsky will be dating Maddison in this story until they breakup in real life. JJ will stay single until he is not. Cams relationship is based off of someone who replied to being his girlfriend. If you want to be any of the other boys' gfs then just comment and the first person will get it. I can't assure you a big part tho. Also Isabella will slip back into the music industry. I have most of the story planned out for the rest and there will be about 7 chapters left but that might vary. Then after the end I will ask if anyone has any questions about the ending to tie up loose ends. But over all that will be it. The next few chapters will be a rollercoaster. Be prepared to cry out of joy and sorrow. I love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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