Chapter 25-first day

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When I got to Cali I decided I wasn't going to think of Hayes at all. That mean nothing that reminded me of him. No G, no JJ, no Nash. I had to move on.

It turns out that I'm Kayla and Sams roommate.

Dylan dorms in the building next our ours.

We spent a lot of time decorating and hanging out. It was really fun! We also went out to parties already!

Today is the first day of college.

I keep my promises I wore my outfit the boys have me for my birthday. I took a picture and posted it on twitter with the caption:

@HeyBellaGray: I keep my promises👍

I tagged the boys who gave me the ensemble.

Then I got my penny board and rode to class.

After class I decided to make a cover so I tweeted:

@HeyBellaGray: what should my next cover be?? #BGcover

I stalked twitter and found someone I did not want see tweeted.

@HayesGrier: singing lessons with Shawn.

Then there was a picture of Hayes in the studio with Shawn. Is he in LA?

No he's probably at that studio I used in NC.

I had to completely eliminate him from my life to not feel hurt.

I blocked and unfollowed him on everything.


No one filled the silence.


Hey guys! this was short because I felt like the last chapter needed to end like that.


Young love ~ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now