The exception

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They sat across from each other, eating in a small restaurant. She surveyed the scene, seeing that the couples sat on the same side of the table. 

"I don't see why they sit on the same side, if I was dating, I'd sit across— that way I could see them better when carrying on a conversation," she said.

"It's because couples like to grope each other," he replied.

They became better friends, good friends, best friends. They always sat across from each other.


The mission had gone horribly. It was supposed to be a quick in-and-out, but it had gone south. They had killed people, a lot of people. They'd had to set a bomb off to stop the enemies, and they had killed some innocents in the process.

They went into the diner, and Clint slid into the booth on one side. Natasha slid after him. Clint opened his mouth to protest. She gripped his hand tightly, and he understood. He felt the same, too. After this mission, he needed her close.

They weren't a couple, they didn't grope each other. But they sat on the same side of the table. They needed each other that moment.

Author's note: Hope you are enjoying these one-shots ! :)

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