Chapter IV

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Kingdom of Vale

March 4th, 1941

As Jaune  the German Prince of Prussia walked amongst the people of vale. He noticed the racial tension between human and Faunus and the White Fang cell being here after the shit they did in Poland and they #1 enemy to Prussia and Poland. As Jaune a future student of beacon academy.

As Jaune walked around the city be noticed an orphanage but the most important thing was a small child a little girl looking at him in complete Curiosity as her ashen colored eyes and short black hair watched him as she puts her little hands against the glass window.
As Jaune smiled and began walking towards the orphanage as the girls eyes widened in surprise as he walked into through the door. As Jaune looked around the small orphanage as
A sliver hair, blue eye and very beautiful dress with her katana shelved. This is Miss Venus Sparta the sole godmother of the children of the orphanage.

(Your choice to add her to the harem

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(Your choice to add her to the harem...)

As she was putting folder's away she turned to be surprised to see her Prince here.

Venus: my Prince what are you doing out here?

Jaune: I'm just here to adopt.

Jaune said as he looked at the little girl no more than around 4 to 5 years old as she innocently looked at Jaune as he smiled as he gently got down to one knee and looked at her as she did to him

Jaune said as he looked at the little girl no more than around 4 to 5 years old as she innocently looked at Jaune as he smiled as he gently got down to one knee and looked at her as she did to him

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Jaune: so little one... what's your name?

Cinder: my name is Cinder fall what's yours??
(She asked innocently)

Jaune: well Cinder do you want to be adopted???

Cinder: yeah!!!

Jaune: well today is your lucky day.

As Jaune turned his head to look at Miss Venus as was pulling adoption papers out as she was in her office. As she walked out with grace and gently place it down with pen and Jaune got up and began filling it out. While checking his watch he still had a few more hours before the airships began boarding. As he finished he gave it Miss Sparta as she filed it and placed it in with lock and key. As turned to face her Prince as she spoke.

Miss Sparta: so how are things back in Prussia?

Jaune: it's been fine but being a Prince and future Kaiser has big for me.

Miss Sparta: alright...

As she noticed that cinder was holding on to Jaune's pinky finger as her little hands could. As she smiled and. Said.

Miss Sparta: alright you two stay safe, it's getting dangerous out there, I wish you farewell my future Kaiser!!!

As Jaune waved goodbye so did cinder as they left the orphanage and Jaune took cinder places like a clothing shop and visited a few other stores and restaurants, as the time was nearing they left the market and made it in time to board without issue with little Cinder-Chan watched in excitement as she was actually going to the academy. As. Jaune fatherly laughed as many other people noticed that a child was with an adult who could easily beat them in a one v one match.... While everyone was surprised they letting parents with their children onboard to the academy...

This definitely will be different...


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