Chapter VI

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As Jaune got up First before anyone so did Blake and cinder who cutely rubbed her eyes as Blake pick her up and carried her to the women's changing rooms as did Jaune, after a while Jaune comes out with his armor on

As Jaune got up First before anyone so did Blake and cinder who cutely rubbed her eyes as Blake  pick her up and carried her to the women's changing rooms as did Jaune, after a while Jaune comes out with his armor on

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As he walked out he saw Blake walking out while holding cinders hand as her little wolf tail wagged happily as she followed Blake out.

As he walked out he saw Blake walking out while holding cinders hand as her little wolf tail wagged happily as she followed Blake out

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As Both Blake and Jaune looked at Blake impressed. At her style of armor.

Jaune: very impressive Blake

Blake: well thank you, I was taught well by your tutors in sword comics after all.

She said with a hidden blush under her helmet, as both Jaune and Blake walked out into the courtyard as Cinder watched from the sidelines cheering for both sides happily.

As Jaune and Blake started their friendly duel outside unaware that was the initiation for college students had to duel and only one could or two depending if it was draw or not. As two swords clashed against each other as sparks spread out as Jaune and Blake fight over who would win.

(Yellow is Jaune Green is Blake)

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(Yellow is Jaune
Green is Blake)

As the sound of swords clashing and armor being nipped at as sparks fly many of the future college students woke up to the two fighting as the professors there where probably shocked to see two early birds already fights amongst the courtyard as another young man joined in as had a shield and sword while fighting professionally in a 1 v 1 v 1 match

As the sound of swords clashing and armor being nipped at as sparks fly many of the future college students woke up to the two fighting as the professors there where probably shocked to see two early birds already fights amongst the courtyard as a...

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(Purple is Tyr
Yellow is Jaune
Green is Blake)

His name is Tyr named after the Norse god of war

(A/n: I'm using Baldur the God of Light, and Hod the blind god of night and Darkness as the Norse "brother gods" of Remnant

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(A/n: I'm using Baldur the God of Light, and Hod the blind god of night and Darkness as the Norse "brother gods" of Remnant.)

As the battle continued fighting till they reached exhaustion as all three passed out collapsing back to the ground as Tyr, Jaune and Blake breathed heavily as Professor Ozpin walked over with his mug of hot chocolate and said something that shocked most.

Ozpin: congratulations you three on making into my college side of this campus.

Jaune: ha, ha we fail you professor!

Blake: ha me too!

Tyr: I'm honored to be here!

As the other future students began their duels as Tyr helped Jaune up and then help Blake up as they slowly walked over to a very Long Bench as Little cinder hopped onto Jaune's lap and excitedly talked about how cool they where while doing hand chops as her hands were swords. The three laughed and told stories about themselves as many people where still fighting....


(The scene in the bottom right is from the movie Commando it's a really good movie and would recommend to watch if your an Arnold Schwarzenegger fan)

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(The scene in the bottom right is from the movie Commando it's a really good movie and would recommend to watch if your an Arnold Schwarzenegger fan)

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