Chapter XI

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One Week into the Second World War

(Year: 1941)

(Prussia, Berlin)

As hundreds of Flak 88s on Flak towers stood tall ready for a invasion by Atlas, Vale, & Sadly Vacuo as Prussian U-boats sank hundreds of cargo ships that was heading to vale as their supply line are being crippled as Prussian Dreadnoughts who where Refitted to modern standards as biplane was long gone the BF-109's take over that role and a top secret plane was being developed by the Kaiser himself with the help with Chief military designer Adolf Hitler who was art teacher in the University of Berlin. Who with therapy was able to live a normal lifestyle again after the First World War.... as defense positions where laid down as hundreds of not thousands of anti-Ship and anti aircraft guns with machine gun post all on Prussian soil where hundreds of thousands of enemy troops would died before settling foot on Prussian land. As Thousands of Panzers were being built and deployed into war as Tiger I and King Tigers with their 105mm guns ready for war.


Poland who was developing and delivering all weapons and ammunition to her allies as they were preparing themselves for a bloody 3 year war with the help of the Soviet Union in delivering their tanks to Poland free of charge.
As Poland being next to Prussia was helping them with their secret weapon. As they developed the V1 & V2 rockets for their first missile Destroyer that would be able to take down an Atlas flying cruiser. Nickname "Kaiser Lock" would be a future of warfare if built properly. But with the help of both countries best ship builders and scientists & engineers working on the project they'll have it finished and the first built by the 1960's and into the 1970's onwards

[meanwhile in the USSR]

Let's say everyone was busy working and fighting Atlas out of their land as T-34's arrived turning the tide in the Soviet Union favor. As the Soviet army began pushing them out of homes and factories and back to their only base on Soviet Union territory as they fought and KV-1's a new Heavy tank being fire round after round every 5 seconds at the Atlas Mech turning them into scrap.

In another incident the Atlas soldiers fired toxic gas at the Soviet Union defenders as the Atlas soldiers believed they had died but they were wrong when the Soviet defenders came charging at them like the walking Undead as the Atlas troops were killed and wounded or ran away like crowds.  As the Soviet Union was Winning more battles then Atlas could resupply their own troops.

(Glory to the Motherland, Soviet Union, & the kingdom of Poland, and Glory for the Fatherland, Prussia!!!)

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