Chapter XII

370 12 10

Two weeks into the Second World War


As German troops march throughout the streets with their Panzers III, IV, & V as the German People cheering their own men to War. As the German Wehrmacht of the 2nd reich sang as they march through the streets their Kaiserliche Marine troop Carrier boats as the Mighty German Imperial Navy prepares to launch and start the campaign in Vacuo territory.

( languages from this books terms and from the song above:

French = Valerian (Vale)
Russian = Soviet Union (Mistral)
Italian = Vacuo (controlled by Vale & Nazi Atlas)
Polish = Poland (Menagerie)
German = Prussian Empire
English = Nazi Atlas


As the 2nd reich & and newly 3rd polish Reich march at 6 million strong only 2 million will fight with 2 million polish & 3 million Russians against Vale & Nazi Atlas through Vacuo as the other 2 million Germans and Polish troops will fight though Vale territory.

As Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Kaiser Welhelm the 3rd make battle plans as King Ghira help them with the invasion plans as Russia prepares to invade Nazi Atlas as Stalin (Nichols Arc) prepares for his invasion plans and backups one in case one fails....

KW III: so which side are we starting the invasion with.

(I hand drawer the color lines and the names and names of which is what

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(I hand drawer the color lines and the names and names of which is what

Light & dark blue = Prussian empire

Red = USSR

Green (hard to see but there if your color blind just use the dark & light blue instead) [Poland]

Hitler: let's hit Vacuo first then hit Vale hard as the Soviet Union is dealing with Nazi Atlas on a personal level.

Meanwhile in the Soviet Union...
[in Nazi Atlas Territory]

Commader Ivan: подтолкните вас, ленивые собаки, у нас есть война, чтобы выиграть за матушку Россию !!! (push you lazy dogs we have a war to win for Mother Russia!!!)

Soviet Union Troops: для России-матушки!!(For Mother Russia!!!)

 As T-34-85m rolls over the battlefield as one destroys a Nazi Atlas Paladin easily with its 75mm cannon as Russians soldiers yells and screams as they charge at the retreating Nazi Atlas Troops with Brutality

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As T-34-85m rolls over the battlefield as one destroys a Nazi Atlas Paladin easily with its 75mm cannon as Russians soldiers yells and screams as they charge at the retreating Nazi Atlas Troops with Brutality.

[Back in Prussia at the same time]

As the Kaiser confirmed the attack, as Russian, Prussian, and Polish forces joined up and started their invasion in Vacuo. As six million Prussian, Russian & Polish troops were deployed to southern Vauco to liberate it from the aggressors. As T-34's IS-2, Tiger Is and Panzer IV tanks where moved to cargo ships as troops got the boats as Poland deployed their first Hospital ships to help and evacuate the wounded and injured from the fighting.

As the war began no side would know who would win... but war is hell.

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