Chapter VII

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Meanwhile in Prussia

(A day after the Initiation happened)

Hohenzollern castle

As Kaiser William sat in his chair reading the newspaper about how Altas is becoming a Nazi country, as he feared the worst was to come

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As Kaiser William sat in his chair reading the newspaper about how Altas is becoming a Nazi country, as he feared the worst was to come...

Willam thoughts where interpreted by King Ghira and Queen Kali came in to door, as Willam had a great happy smile and was Surprised to see so early in the morning.

Willam thoughts where interpreted by King Ghira and Queen Kali came in to door, as Willam had a great happy smile and was Surprised to see so early in the morning

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William: welcome king Ghira & queen Kali it's good to see you again, but I have horrible news to tell.

Ghira: what is it old friend?

William: I'm afraid that Atlas has become more aggressive and Hostile in the past few years and afraid it's going to Start another Great War soon.

Kali: but would we like to help with this coming war?

William: I know you will, but for our Children sake I hope that war won't come soon. And with the White Fang & Nazi Atlas attacking our docks for supplies I had to double the security and the amount of Soldiers to protect our ships and the cargo they have.

Ghira: where experienced the same thing, but I think that a Great War is becoming unavoidable at this rate, my friend.

William: I know *sigh* with my dying body I'm gonna have only three months left to live by my best doctors I have... so how's your Daughters doing?

A long silence happened between Kaiser William and The King and Queen as nodding in a silent agreement and Spilled the beans about their Daughters Blake was a happy easy going child and Loved Jaune as brother she'll never had, and... Bella was the Mean and Aggressive one who wanted humanity to be ruled under Faunus feet, and Fell in love with Adam lot tartarus and would anything for him, that would even means killing her family to do so... but she was Kicked out and Disowned by the King & Queen in fear of her Insanity towards against humanity and their only ally Prussia.

To this to hear from Kali and Ghira where horrifying to the old Kaiser mind as he sat silently listening to them talk.

William: this is very disturbing to say the least. Does my Son know of this???

William asked in calim but dangerous voice. As Kali and Ghira shook their heads saying no.

William: I see.... Thank you for your time. I hope your prepared for trip back home.

Kali: we will William.

As Both Kali & Ghira left Williams private work place William has put both of arms on the work table and put his head on them while having a gut feeling that something bad was coming sooner then later...

William: Gott helfe mir jetzt, denn ich habe Angst um unsere Zukunft.... (God help me now, for I'm afraid for our future....)


Next: Jaune's college life in Beacon Academy.

Coming soon: The Death of Kaiser William the 2nd by assassination.

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