Chapter VIII

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(Main White Fang Base)
Location: Vale
(two days before Kaiser Williams death)
Date: June 2nd, 1941

As Nazi Atlas Fuhrer Ironwood and Bell Belladonna communicated while Nazi Soldiers where deliver crates to the White Fang and the Council did nothing to stop it as they were also just as Corrupt as Altas.

Ironwood: I hope our agreement is enough Miss Bell.

Bell: it will. 'Soon they'll all fall hehehe...'

Ironwood: then our agreement as been concluded. I'll see you soon....

As Ironwood left with his army. As Bell laughed insanely as part of Adams plan has come into action.

Bell: soon we'll have complete control of Vale! My Brothers and Sisters we will soon take our Revenge against Humanity and our Traitorous Faunus kind!!!

As Many of the WF Follower cheered to their Co-leader for The Greater of the White Fang in Vale and with Altas supporting them till be a few more months before their assassination attempt on Prussia's Kaiser William and Prince Jaune if their there... unfortunately they won't get the Future Kaiser.

Bell: do we spies in Prussia ready to Kill the Kaiser, and prince.

WF grunt: yes ma'am their ready. Their waiting for the command.

Bell: good in two days I'll give the order.

WF Grunt: yes Ma'am.

(Meanwhile with Jaune and the others)
(Two days after Kaiser Williams death...)

As Jaune, Blake, And Tyr all where are seen eating lunch together as Blake ate while doing her work, as Tyr and Jaune where talking about plans of strategy against the other students.

Jaune: so what you have plans against the other students?

Tyr: well for starters most students here mostly use mechanical weapons, that can turn to guns.
So I thought we use old fashioned strategies against them.

Jaune; true we could do that to them since most don't use tactics in fighting anymore.

Blake was listening while working on her homework given by the college professors, but mostly agreed with them both since none used any tactics at all. As two more students came over one was an Kitsune an extremely rare Faunus kind, next to her was a two colored girl who had pink and brown hair and a very beautiful robust body as both were engaged to Jaune with surprise everyone but it was more special when Blake's parents  tell them at they'll be married together to make their two countries stronger together then separated.
That was until a unit of Prussian soldiers came in as the commander came in with a serious face on as he March in to Jaune's side and spoke.

Prussian Commander: Jaune your need to come back to Prussia it's an emergency, the Kaiser of Prussia was been assassinated.

Jaune: when do we leave.

Commander: now, and we'll bring your team the Blake back immediately sir.

As the five got up and left to see an Blohm & Voss Bv 142 Long range transport aircraft. Parked as its Four engines where still prepped to take off again it still had it's Anti Aircraft guns on the top and bottom and one on the front for protection for its passengers.

(Blohm & Voss Bv 142 passenger aircraft)
*Ignore the Nazi symbol on the plane*



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As they quickly got on the plane as they closed it and got in their seats and buckled up and the plane took off into the sky as they flew back to Prussia away from the doomed fate of Vale

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As they quickly got on the plane as they closed it and got in their seats and buckled up and the plane took off into the sky as they flew back to Prussia away from the doomed fate of Vale...

Next: The Assassination of Kaiser William.



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