Official Trailer And Clip

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A/N: whenever you see '______' it means it's a different scene from the trailer

Official trailer

Mario and Pauline walk onto a battle battlefield where donkey Kong was waiting for them but was shocked when he saw Pauline

Donkey Kong: Whoa...

Mario: alright... let's a go

Pauline: wait hold on-

Mario ran towards donkey Kong but got beat up by him

Pauline: that's going to leave a mark...


Kamek used his magic to move Luigi and Daisy closer to bowser

Bowser: not sure if you know who I am but I'm about to rule the world

Luigi: Wow uh... yay

Daisy: that's never going to happen

Bowser: Oh it will but there's one problem there's a has a mustache just like you

He started pulling on a hair of Luigi's mustache

Daisy: hey leave him alone!

Bowser: silence princess!

Luigi: wait do you think I know every human being with a mustache wearing an identical outfit with a hat with a of his first name on it? Because I don't

Daisy would facepalm if she could and bowser ripped off some of Luigis mustache

Luigi: AHHHH!!!


Peach was getting the toads ready to fight

Peach: bowser is coming together we


Peach walked up to bowsers ship wearing her motorcycle outfit and picked up a spear while toad took out a frying pan


Peach: are going to stop that monster

Yellow toad: how? Look at us! We're adorable!

The toads make a bunch of cute faces

Pauline: Aww!


Peach and toad set up a training course for Mario and Pauline

Mario: oh I got this no problem!

He winked at peach but failed at the course while Pauline passed but barley


Toad: come on Mario! Come on Pauline! Our big adventure begins now!

A cheep cheep got stuck on Mario's face

Mario: Ahh! Get it of! Get it of! Get it of!

Peach pulled the cheep cheep off his face


Peach powered up using a fire flower

Peach: there's a huge universe out there


Mario peach toad and Pauline looked at an amazing view

Mario: whoa


Peach: with a lot of galaxy's they're all counting on us


Mario and Luigi were falling through a warp pipe


Peach: no pressure

Pauline: we'll do everything we can to help right Mario?

Mario: Uh sure!


Daisy: we're getting out of here

Luigi: how?

Daisy: I have no idea


Everyone was riding go karts on rainbow road

Mario: Wahoo!


Pauline: your still our
1 up boy!



Mario Pauline and toad arrived at the mushroom kingdom

Pauline: Wow!

Toad: excuse me everybody coming through got a big adventure happening right now just clear a path for us

The toad didn't really clear a path. A toad dropped a coin and Mario picked it up for him

Mario: here you go!

Pauline: you wouldn't want to lose that

The red toad just stared at them as they continued to walk to the castle

Toad: excuse me everybody coming through!! This guys brother is going to die imminently!!

Mario: wait what?!

Toad: I'm just trying to clear a path that's all I'm doing he's going to be fine

Pauline: I sure hope so

The three of them walked across floating bricks

Mario: ok so these bricks are just floating here?!

Pauline: just don't look down

They made it to a clear pipe

Toad: just pop in this pipe and we're on our way! The only way to fly!

Toad was sucked into the pipe and enjoyed the ride

Pauline: that actually looks fun

She went inside the pipe had and enjoyed it to which makes Mario think it's easy

Mario: wait for me!

Mario was sucked in the pipe but it went to fast


Mario Pauline and toad arrived right outside peaches castle but Mario was dizzy

Pauline: You ok?

Mario: yeah I just need a second...

Toad: no time for that! We're at the palace doors! Come on!

Mario and Pauline saw toad running towards the palace

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