The Journey Starts! 

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Suddenly Mario got bigger stronger and taller

Mario: whoa! I'm tall!

Peach: and strong but you do know how to fight right?

Mario: yeah fight pretty girl- pretty good! P-Pretty good! I fight good!

Pauline: nice save

Peach: you can also jump

Mario jumped and smashed one of the brick blocks

Mario: Oh I got this no problem!

He winked at peach and he jumped

Mario: wahoo!

Mario missed the platform and fell into the ocean.

Pauline: Mario!

He fell out of a pipe above her and lost the power up

Peach: oh yeah when you get hit you lose the power

She hit the block twice and got two mushroom's and gave one of them to pauline

Peach: this time you'll do it with him

Pauline: I'm starting to wish I did more parkour...

Pauline and Mario ate the mushroom's and got bigger

A montage started off Mario and pauline trying to compete the obstacle course. Pauline was able to beat it but Mario was having some trouble.

Mario had so many power mushrooms he threw up

Pauline: feeling better?

Mario: a little...


The training lasted all night and peach and pauline woke up to see mario doing really well.

Mario jumped toward the flag pole and smirked at peach but was caught by a robot piranha plant.

The robot piranha plant let go of mario and he walked up to peach

Peach: well the three of us have a long journey ahead of us mustache

Mario: but I didn't make it

Peach: you almost did

Pauline: that's what matters right?

Peach: don't forget no one gets it right away

Mario: how many tries did it take you?

Peach: Oh so many! I was not good at worse then you

Pauline: your not telling the truth are you?

Mario: yeah you got it right away didn't you?

Peach: I got it right away but I grew up here!

Pauline: plus you did a bunch of parkour back home

Mario: ok now your both just trying to make me feel better

Peach: no! Is it working?

Mario: I little bit yeah


Meanwhile Luigi and Daisy were tied up and being taken to bowser's kingdom by shy guys. One of them pushed Daisy to make her go faster

Daisy: hey watch it! The only reason you caught me again was because you had us outnumbered!

Luigi: again?

Daisy: bowser already kidnapped me. I escaped him and that's when I ran into you... I'm sorry I got you into this Luigi...

Luigi: it's not your fault

Daisy smiled and Luigi blushed. The shy guys went in a hot air balloon and dragged Luigi and Daisy in to then it took off


The next day in the mushroom king Mario peach and Pauline were ready to leave but there was a crowd of toads

Peach: they're all counting on us no pressure

Pauline: we'll do everything we can right Mario?

Mario: Uh sure!

Peach: my toads! Our days of terror are almost over! With the help of the kong army we will stop-!

Blue toad: uh who are they?

The blue toad pointed at Mario and Pauline

Mario: hehe...

Pauline: Um... hello

Peach: they're not important!

Mario peach and Pauline entered a warp pipe to leave the kingdom


The three of them were making there way through the mushroom forest

Peach: are you both nerves?

Pauline: I'm not but he is

Mario: who me? Yes. A little

Toad ran up to them

Toad: we're going on an adventure! Come on guys! Hey Mario! Hey Pauline!

Peach: you both know this guy?

Toad: we're best friends!

Mario: but are we?

Pauline: of course we're friends with him. He helped us through this forest

Toad: exactly and don't worry I will protect you princess

Peach: a toad brave enough to join me

Toad: I fear nothing!

Pauline: Aww

Peach: that settles it your coming with us let's move

The four of them continued walking

Toad: I said we're going on an adventure! Wahoo!

Pauline: I'm glad your coming not only to help us but I was worried about being a third wheel

Toad: you won't have to worry about that anymore! Hey you want to help me get mario and the princess together?

Pauline: yes and I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed it

Toad: i think this is the start of a beautiful friendship!

Pauline: I think so to


Mario peach pauline and toad traveled to many different places and kingdom's bowser hasn't destroyed yet. During the trip toad and Pauline saw Mario smiling at peach without her noticing

Toad: you like her don't you Mario?

Mario: who peach? N-No not like that!

Pauline: when we were dating you never looked at me that way I can tell you have feelings for her

Mario: it doesn't matter first we just met second I'm just a plumber and she's a princess third with stopping bowser and saving Luigi romance is probably the last thing on her mind

Pauline: then maybe you should tell her when all of this is over

Mario: What should I even say?

Toad: start with a complaint just say 'your eyes are like sapphires'

Mario: w-will that work?

Toad: of course it will

Pauline: but also remember to just be yourself

The four of them decided to make camp at a field for fire flowers

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