The project

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Once Bakugo had calmed down, well calm for Bakugo, we wandered inside the classroom and was met with Iida and the rest of our class. Everyone was acting like they usually did, casually chatting about whatever the topic was of that day. I spotted where Midoriya and Uraraka had disappeared to, Deku had his face hidden in his notebook where as Uraraka had her head against the desk. Guess they were both still embarrassed from what had happened earlier. We all heard the rattle of door opening and raced to all our seats. 

"You kids better be quiet or..." Aizawa sensei began before seeing us all in our seats.

"Okay guess your already seated." Aizawa sensei (or Dadzawa as we all called him) made his way to the teachers desk, he then began a long presentation on the upcoming project we were going to work on. Almost everyone in class was falling asleep to his lecture, well except the usual studious ones Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Iida, Midoriya and Bakugo surprisingly. 

"Now then for this project I shall decide what the parings will be." This shocked all of us in the classroom. Everyone jumped awake and began to fear for the worst as we didn't want to be paired up with someone who wasn't listening which was many.

"Okay let's see Kirishima you and Bakugo will work together." I felt a wave of relief fall over me. I turned to Bakugo and gave him a thumbs up, he just turned away from me in his typical huff. Nothing new there. When Dadzawa had finished we were allowed to leave for lunch. I headed over to Bakugo's desk to speak with him.

"Hey, we should do the project at my place." I suggested while giving Bakugo a bright smile. He shrugged his shoulders at me and then rose to his feet.

"Sure. Why not. Now hurry up Shitty hair." Bakugo stormed out the classroom to go get lunch with me and the rest of the Bakusquad. (Mina, Sero, Kaminari)

*Later on at the Kirishima residence*

"Mom's I'm home!" I echoed through the front door while Bakugo trailed behind me.

"Welcome home Ei. Oooo you brought a boy home." My mum gave me a wink as she said the last part which caused me to start panicking.

"No, no. We're just friends." I said waving my arms try to convince my mum otherwise.

"Yeah sure. I'll bring you boys up some food later, call me if you need anything." She waved us goodbye as we headed to my room. Once we were inside my room Bakugo took of his blazer and carefully folded it over my chair and put his bag next to it. I hung my blazer up in the wardrobe, along with my tie. Bakugo didn't need to take his tie off as he didn't wear it normally. We both then sat on opposite ends of my bed.

"So we gonna get this project done or?" Bakugo stated.

"Yeah sure. Let me just grab my laptop and some paper and we'll start." I jumped up from my bed and began to rummage around my room for the laptop and paper, I then dragged a small table over from the corner for us to work on. We settled ourselves on the floor and began to work.

~Begins to turn dark~

Throughout the hours we were working together we began to sit closer and closer together.

"So we just need to..." Just as I started to speak Bakugo's head dropped onto my shoulder. I felt my face turned bright red, if someone were to see me now they wouldn't know where my hair started on my head. I figured he must have exhausted himself in the training we did this afternoon, he was really going for it in the sparing match against Midoriya. He won of course without tiring himself before hand. A knocked then sounded on the door.

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