The interrogation

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~ Time skip ~ After class ~

I began to gather my notes from class and stuffed them into my bag when Kaminari threw his arm over my shoulder.

"Kiri and I are going to eat lunch on our own today. Okay." Katsuki looked at the two of us in confusion, I tried to push his arm off me but he kept himself leant on me.

"But wait, what about Ka-" He then squeezed my arm tight.

"Good, good." He then began to drag me away leaving Katsuki alone in the classroom, Ashido and Sero had disappeared prior as well. I was so confused to where Kaminari was dragging me to but any questions I asked were unanswered by the hyper blonde. Eventually we ended up in a small empty office which wasn't being used, Kaminari opened the door and pushed me inside. He then shoved me onto a chair, the room was quite dark and became even darker when he shut the door.

"So, do you have something to tell us?" Kaminari began with a mischievous tone, I just yelled back in confusion.

"Who is us? AND WHY THE HECK AM I HERE?" Ashido's voice then escaped the darkness, she then came into view.

"Silence. Were asking the questions here. Are you ga-" She was silenced by a hand being slapped over her mouth, it was Sero.

"Not yet. So~ Kirishima..." Sero then began to circle round the chair I was sat in, he then slammed his hand against the desk in front of me making me jump.

"TELL US WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW!" I honestly thought they had all gone insane with Sero acting like this.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW!?" I screamed back, I honestly just wanted to have lunch in peace. I was starving at this point.

~Bakugo POV~

"Where the fuck is everyone?" This was ridiculous, I overheard Dunce face saying him and Shitty hair were having food together for some reason but what about racoon eyes and soy sauce. I already had my food and was expecting for them to turn up by the time I got back. I knew I must have looked so stupid sat alone here, I then saw one of the most annoying extras from class 1-B in the corner of my eye.

"Guess the famous Katsuki Bakugo is all alone?" He mocked me, that was his first mistake. But I was too annoyed to deal with this idiot, I didn't want to deal with this idiot anyway but right now was the worst time.

"Silence copycat. Go find your girlfriend, or wait your brainwashing boyfriend." This caught a nerve on the annoying blonde, his face grew a slight red I don't know if that was in embarrassment or annoyance. Probably both.

"How dare you insult them! I wil-" Before he could finish his words I saw the ginger woman slap him on the back of the head. The copycat fell to the floor with a thud.

"Neito you idiot." She turned to me with an awkward smile, she was an extra but at least she wasn't one of the annoying one's. Also she could fight pretty good.

"I am very sorry for his actions." She bowed with this and began to drag copycat away, as soon as she was five steps away she began to holler at the brainwashing extra.

"HITOSHI I TOLD YOU TO WATCH HIM!" Not many paid much attention to the ginger's yelling, this was a normal thing at this point as well as her dragging Copycat through the hall.

"I WAS A BIT PREOCCUPIED WITH SOMEONE ELSE!" The brainwashing extra shouted back across the hall, I looked to see he was pointing at Duracell who was just walking round the corner, I'm guessing the idiot was bugging the extra with questions about his quirk again and so he brainwashed him so he would leave him alone. The ginger dragged copycat towards the brainwashing extra then elbowed him in the ribs and disappeared. I sighed and rose from my seat leaving my food. I'd lost my appetite.

~Kirishima POV~

"AHHHHH!" I screamed at Ashido as she tried to bleach my hair with her acid, she wasn't trying to hurt me. It was more like torture.

"TELL US NOW!" She shouted with a devilish smile.

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you! But you have to promise not to tell anyone else!" I answered in fear for my hair, she wiped her hand on her skirt and stood back. She placed her hand over her heart and smiled with a genuine smile.

"I promise." With that Kaminari walked in slamming the door open. His eyes were blank, like when Shinso brainwashed people. Sero walked up to him and poked him, he snapped out of his trance and yelled.

"I GOT THE FOOD!" Ashido turned to face him, this was my prime opportunity to escape. I jumped over the desk and shoved Kaminari aside causing him to drop all the food and crash to the floor.

"SORRY DENKI GOTTA GO!" I continued to race down the hall as I heard Mina shout in anger behind me.

"EJIRO KIRISHIMA! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" I then heard her footsteps begin to chase me.

~Sero POV~

I had jumped out the way of Kirishima as he charged at Kaminari, he was on his knees picking each grain of rice claiming one second rule, then two second rule, then third second rule he kept increasing the second until I spoke.

"You think Ashido can catch up with him?" Kaminari shrugged his shoulders at me and continued to eat the rice. I slapped my face with my hand in exasperation, why was I left with this idiot.

~Kirishima POV~

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed as I heard Mina's footsteps grow closer, she had slowed down her pace slightly making it seem like she was calmly stalking me.

"You left me no choice, first you tried to run away and then you ruined my food." She continued to slow her chase into a calm skip with her arms behind her back with an innocent smile to her face. But beneath it I knew there was malicious intent. I kept running even though Mina was just skipping at this point, I hoped I could lose her and find Katsuki somewhere. I somehow ended up in a dead end.

"Why is there a dead end in this school?" I whined as I heard Mina's careful skips behind me before I knew it she had pounced on top of me and pinned me to the floor.

"Now you will tell me." I knew I was defeated at this point and this would end in repeated events if I didn't tell her now.

"Fine I will tell you. But only you and you alone. Understand?" I gave her a serious look as she allowed me to sit up. She nodded with a stern expression on her face. I whispered in her ear to ensure no one else could hear us, but it wasn't like anyone would basically all the students were in the hall for lunch and the teachers were in the teachers lounge. When I had finished speaking Mina sat with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry." She flopped her hand forwards.

"Me too."

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