Kirishima's 'cold'

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As the four of us walked down the hall, Sero had already got a table in the cafeteria, Kaminari began to walk beside me.

"Yo bro, what happened back there?"  He asked. I began to panic as no-one needed to find out what happened last night.

"Ah, erm, well... I think I have a cold or something." I gave a fake cough to make it more believable. Bakugo seemed to be listening in on mine and Kaminari's conversation and spoke up.

"Shitty hair? Are you sick? If so you should go home!" He shouted on the last part which wasn't really needed but it was Bakugo he always shouted. 

"Nah, I think I'll be able to make it to the end of the day." I rubbed the back of my head in an awkward way before Bakugo piped up once more.

"Your fault if you end up passing out." Surprisingly he didn't shout this time, I just guessed he was tired after listening to all those boring lectures.

"HURRY UP GUYS! SERO ALREADY HAS A TABLE!" Ashido hollered down the hall as she stood at the cafeteria door way. She then disappeared into the cafeteria, not long after we arrived at the cafeteria doorway we saw Ashido waving from the table Sero acquired. We all settled down before Ashido decided she was going first.

"You two watch the table." She dragged Kaminari and Sero along with her.

"Oi you idiots! I'm starving!" Bakugo hollered from the table as he rose from his seat. I grabbed his shoulder and he sat back down. 

"Sorry bro!" Shouted Sero as Ashido continued to drag them away.

"That's so unmanly you two." I muttered under my breath so not even Bakugo could hear me. I sat with my elbow resting on the table which supported my chin in my hand. Bakugo finally returned to a calm state, well calm for Bakugo, and turned to me.

"So did anything happen while I was at yours, my memory goes blank from last night." I felt my face grow warm in fear of Bakugo finding out what happened.

"No. Nothing happened. Totally nothing at all." I waved my hands in front of my face which probably made it look less convincing. Bakugo gave a confused look.

"Okay?" He finished before dropping the subject as he knew I wouldn't say more about it. Ashido and Sero return to the table empty handed, we then both then see Kaminari trailed behind them with a tray holding all their food.

"What hap-" I tried to question it but Bakugo jumped up and grabbed my wrist.

"Let's go shitty hair, I'm starving." I just nodded as he dragged me along. Once we got to the queue he dropped my wrist.

~Mina POV~

"Okay so you both felt that gay tension right?" I questioned the other two as Kaminari gave me and Sero our food. 

"No Ashido you are not playing cupid again." Sighed Sero as he began to dig into his food.

"Yeah, remember what happened last time?" Whined Kaminari as he finally took his seat with an exasperated breath.

"Also not cool making me carry the food just cause I lost the rock, paper, scissors match." He grumbled before stuffing his mouth with rice. I gave a small giggle.

"A bets a bet." I laughed again but this time it wasn't about Kaminari's complaint it was about something else.

~Kirishima POV~

"What are you extras on about?" Bakugo questioned them as he put his food down and took his seat.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." Ashido smirked as she then began to eat her food. We could all feel the tension at the table to Kaminari decided to change the subject.

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