The sleepover

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~ Time skip ~ After school at the lockers ~

"Me and Sero will head to mine. You three meet at mine around five." Denki stated. We all agreed, Sero headed straight to Denki's due to him living on Denki's street.

"I still didn't agree to this." Whined Katsuki, he he leaned against the doorframe near the lockers with his shoes already changed, everyone had just finished they were waiting on me now.

"Kirishima tell him to be quiet." Sero grumbled to me as I put my shoes in the locker.

"Huh? Why me?" I complained back.

"Your least likely to get killed by him." Sero replied, with a cocky smile on his face. I just shook my head at him and threw my bag on my shoulder and left with the rest.

"Let's all just hurry and head home so we can get to Kami's quicker." Mina exclaimed as she raced down towards the gate, Denki raced behind her. Katsuki just scoffed at their childishness, I let a small laugh escape and Sero sighed in jealously at all their energy.

~ Time skip ~ 4:00 at the Kaminari household ~

~ Kaminari POV ~

"We still have an hour to kill before they get here." Sero whined to me as I grabbed a can of coke from the fridge. Just then Mina kicked open the door.

"Hi Miss Kaminari, sorry for kicking the door open." She sheepishly shut the door behind her. She then grabbed Sero by the collar and dragged him upstairs to my room where we were spending majority of the night. Mom popped her head round the kitchen door to speak with me.

"Are you sure they aren't dating they're incredibly close?" I shook my head and I popped the coke can open.

"Mom they're both gay." I then took a sip from my can.

"Oh right, my bad." Mom then went back to the living room to continue watching her horror movie.

~ Mina POV ~

"So~ Kiri finally told me." Sero looked at me cluelessly as I said my words, he was still slightly annoyed at me for dragging him but just brushed it aside with my new information.

"And?" I gave a defeated sigh at his cluelessness. 

"He's a little fruity like yourself and I-" 

"Is anyone in our group straight at this point?" I thought to myself at his point for a second. When I thought it through Sero was pansexual, Kirishima has recently discovered himself to be gay, Denki is bisexual especially for purple hair people, Bakugo wasn't straight that was obvious enough by looking at him and I am a lesbian.

"Good point. Anyway the best part is he has the hots for Bakugo."  Sero nodded in agreement, it was obvious at this point.

"Okay so I have a plan." Sero shook his head at me in disappointment.

~ Time skip ~ 5:00 when Bakugo and Kirishima arrive ~

~ Kirishima POV ~

"So you ready to go in?" I questioned Katsuki as we both stood Infront of the Kaminari house.

"No." He complained with a scowl on his face, I grabbed his arm and climbed up the stairs to the porch with him being dragged behind.

"Come on you mopey Pomeranian." I gave a small laugh, Katsuki just followed in silence not looking at me. Once we got in we were met with Miss Kaminari's voice from the living room.

"Welcome boys, the other three are upstairs in Denki's room." My grip remained on Katsuki's arm.

"Thank you Miss Kaminari." I saw Katsuki wasn't going to say anything so I elbowed him slightly.

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