The race

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~Time skip~ Bakugo brought Kirishima to Recovery Girl's office~ Few hours pass by~

"It's extremely late young sir. You really should be going home." Recovery Girl whined to me as I sat beside Kirishima's bedside with him still unconscious. 

"Not until he wakes up." I muttered, I'm pretty sure this is my fault as to why he is in this state. Aizawa Sensei then walked into the office.

"You should listen to Recovery Girl. He's in good hand's don't worry." I didn't move even after Aizawa Sensei's words.

"Geez he's just like Hizashi when I'm ill. Must be a loud blonde thing." Aizawa muttered so no one could hear him. Aizawa then ruffled my hair and went to leave when he got to the door he stopped. He looked back to see me still motionless beside Kirishima.

"Well I tried." He then left. A few minutes of silence passed by that was then ended by a set of running footsteps. It was Present Mic.

"HAVE YOU SEEN SHOTA!?" He echoed throughout the room slightly too loud but I still didn't move. Recovery Girl turned around in her chair to see the distressed Present Mic.

"Try your guys house." She groaned before turning back to her desk.

"Good plan!" He shouted before disappearing off down the halls, that was the last I heard of Present Mic that day. Recovery Girl then spoke with me.

"Okay Bakugo if your not going stay here with Kirishima, I need to go heal Iida after he sprained his ankle in that training exercise." She hopped off her small chair, grabbed her walking cane and then left to find Iida.

"Finally I am alone with him." I thought to myself. I grabbed his hand with my own, his finger tips were cold but his actual hands were warm.

"Come on Ejiro wake up already." I muttered to myself. Ejiro then let out a soft snoring sound. This made me laugh a little. My eyes then began to feel droopy and before I knew it I had fallen asleep on top of him, that exercise tired me out as well.

~Time skip~ The next morning around 7:50~

~Kirishima's POV~

I heard the sound of a phone alarm buzzing like mental. I ignored it at first and tried to roll over however when I felt a weight on my legs I let myself begin to wake up. I rubbed my eyes to see a phone sat next to me, I picked it up and turned off the ongoing alarm. I didn't even realize it wasn't my own phone. As I began to wake up more I looked down to the weight on my legs. It was Katsuki. My face became a soft red but quickly died down again when I heard someone enter. It was Dadzawa.

"Good your awake. That problem child wouldn't leave without knowing you were okay." Dadzawa groaned in an exasperated tone.

"Really? I wouldn't have taken Bak- I mean Katsuki as the caring type?" I questioned as I looked down to the peacefully sleeping Katsuki, part of me wanted to mess with his hair but I decided against it.

"Well it turns out he is. He's a pain in the ass." Dadzawa groaned again leaning against the door frame, then Present Mic walked past.

"Not as much as I was last night." Present Mic laughed as he walked past this caused Dadzawa to drop his head while he had a slight blush on his face. 

"I'm going to kill you. Stop saying that to people it's not true." Dadzawa then left in an angry huff which he looked way too tired to deal with Present Mic. It was quickly followed by the cry of Present Mic begging for mercy from Dadzawa. I guess he kept to his word more or less. All Might then entered the office.

"Ah Young Kirishima glad to see your awake. Would you mind waking up Young Bakugo, class is to begin soon." I nodded then All Might left the office in a hurried rush. I mentally prepared myself for an angry Katsuki.

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