Truth or dare

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"Hm~ let's see..." Denki mumbled with his finger on his chin.

"JUST HURRY UP ALREADY!" Katsuki whined, he still wasn't happy after being awoken so abruptly.

"Shush don't disturb the master whilst he's thinking." Denki argued back as he continued his train of thought.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY IDIOT!" Katsuki yelled as he began to rise to his feet, I quickly grabbed at Katsuki's arm and got him to return to his seat.

"Okay, let's calm this down before it goes too far. Katsuki let him think." I then released his arm and he settled back down.

"Tch, whatever." He complained as he made himself comfortable again. He grumbled as he looked away from us resting his chin on his hand.

"I give up. Mina, you decide." Denki whined as he turned to Mina. She then displayed a look of hope upon her face that was quickly shut down by Sero.


"No, I'm going first." Sero knew Mina was up to something so he stopped her.

"Bu..." Mina tried to whine however Sero gave her a death glare as if to say test me, we all thought back to what happened to Katsuki earlier and thought it best not to test him.

"Mina, truth or dare?" 

"Dare." Mina replied with a defeated tone.

"Jump out the window." Sero answered calmly, we all looked to each other with a confused expression except Mina who casually got up.

"Okay." Mina made her way to the window, opened it fully and glanced back at us.

"WHAT!?" I exclaimed.

"Now this is getting interesting." Katsuki stated his interest now piqued for this game.

"WAIT NO MOM WILL KILL ME!?" Denki shouted in fear of himself more than Mina's safety. Mina then jumped out of the window.

"WAIT NO! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" Sero shouted in fear for what he had caused. We all raced to the window expecting to see Mina on the dark street injured in some shape or form. When none of us could see her we were all dumbfounded until we heard her voice above us.

"What's wrong you all look like someone died?" She was calmly sat on the roof with a smile on her face. Sero then passed out in shock from what had happened.

"Well guess it's down to four." Denki stated before dragging Sero away from the window. Mina then climbed back inside with ease and shut the window to stop any cold air coming in.

"Okay it's my turn now." She exclaimed as she joyfully skipped back to her seat on the floor.

~ Kaminari POV  ~

"What did Sero say about not letting Mina do?" I thought to myself as to what Sero mentioned to me earlier before anyone arrived.

~ Flashback to 3:30 that day ~

"Whatever happens don't let Ashido give Kirishima a dare." Sero gave a serious glare with this statement as he sat on the kitchen island.

"Okay? But why?" I questioned his words, he usually gave an explanation to this kind of thing. Sero groaned at me before giving me a simple response.

"Just don't let it happen, or cupid Mina is going to pay a visit."

~ Back to present time ~

"Nope. No clue." I thought to myself as I returned my concentration to the game.

~ Kirishima POV ~

"So Kirishima tru-" Mina was quickly cut off by Denki shouting, part of me was grateful as she was going to challenge me.

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