Star lit night

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~ Kirishima POV ~

Once I left the house I kept walking not wanting to think about what had just happened. I eventually sat myself down on a nearby bench letting my thoughts overtake me.

"Why did I do that? Why? WHY!?" I exclaimed in my distress.

"Hey kid." I heard a woman's voice that I recognized, I rose my head with tears streaming down my face.

"Mrs. Sero?" I questioned as it was still slightly dark.

"Hi hun. Now what's wrong you look a mess?" She then sat herself down beside me.

"I just turned down the love of my life and now he's going to hate me for the rest of my life." I faced the floor as I said this, I watched as tears fell down my face to the end of my nose and then hit the ground bellow me.

"Ah, so it's a boy." She stated as she leant back into the bench.

"Wait no it's- Please don't hate me..." I was so scared of Mrs. Sero hating on me, not many people were accepting here.

"Hunny, I have a wife. Why would I hate you?" She questioned with sympathy as she began to hug me.

"I very much doubt he would hate you. And by the stories I've heard from Hanta I think he likes you very much too." She had such a comforting voice my tears soon ceased and I locked eyes with her.

"But it's your decision on how act. After all..." She rose from her seat and struck a sort of pose similar to my trademark one I always did.

"You're the sturdy hero Red Riot, or better yet the brave Ejiro Kirishima who lets nothing stop him." She gave an embarrassed laugh to her little speech. She then turned around to pick up her bag which she left on the bench. She then bowed to me and bid me goodbye, headed home. I felt a grin grow across my face.

"Thank you Mrs. Sero..." I muttered under my breath.

~ Ashido POV ~

I watched in shock as Miss Kaminari threatened to hit Denki with a spatula for upsetting Kiri. She hadn't discovered Sero on the wall yet. Bakugo still hadn't moved an inch since Kiri left, I then saw as something in his eyes changed. A look of determination maybe? He then jumped to his feet threw on his jacket and raced downstairs, a few seconds later I heard the door slam shut, I'm guessing he'd gone to find Kiri. I felt a soft smile grown on my face at the thought of Bakugo caring for someone other than his ego. Sero then awoke, still taped to the wall. He saw me casually waving at him, Denki slowly losing more and more against his argument with his mother and Kiri and Bakugo gone.

"What the fuck did I miss?"

~ Kirishima POV ~

I was still sat on the bench contemplating on whether I should go back now or wait a bit longer. Finally I came to the decision on going back and finding him. I just had to solve this small misconception Katsuki had. I rose from the bench and was about to head back when I heard Katsuki's voice in the darkness.

"EJIRO!" I saw Katsuki's blonde hair shine in the lamp's light as he ran past each one. I smiled at the surprise that he had come to find me after what I did to him. What surprised me even more when Katsuki cupped my face in his hands gently. His hands were warm but his fingertips were cold.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have forced that on you. I should have asked you before I got close. I didn't mean to hurt you. I-" I silenced his words by kissing him on his soft lips. Katsuki's eyes grew in surprise as I closed mine.

"You are adorable when you are panicked." I explained as his hands dropped slightly, I cupped the side of his face with my right hand. Without any other words Katsuki leaned forwards and kissed me again this time it was a short brief kiss.

"Guess that makes two of us." He muttered loud enough for me to hear.

"I love you Ejiro. I have for a long while now, and I hope you feel the same way." He began to stutter with some of his words, something I had never heard from him before. It sounded so sweet coming from him.

"If you don't I-" I kissed him again to shut him up, this wasn't as brief as the last two kisses. This one was a lot deeper I felt as Katsuki and myself melted into it, not wanting to let each other go for a moment. Eventually we parted.

"You really are an idiot."

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