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"Yo Saint it's your mom."

That was all Saint heard before he found himself running down a flight of stairs only to meet two officers standing at the front door. He was prepared for the worse, he was also prepared for a simple 'hey we found your mom drunk at a bar, can you please come get her' type of conversation with the cops, he hoped it was that conversation.

Saint's POV

I ran down the steps as I was hoping to meet my mom but unfortunately, I was met by two policeman who was asking for the owner of the house or the son which was me. "Sir are you Mr. Grey or the son of Mrs. Grey?" the policeman asked me, i nodded my head yes, I was scared to open my mouth.  "Well, we regret to inform you that she was shot two hours ago and that she is on life support" The cops told me as felt everything inside just drop along with my legs. Everything had just gone black for me.

Rio's POV  

I was the only one was the closest to Saint when he fell which made me fall with him so he wouldn't hit his head on the hard ass ground, he was crying for the very first time since I had met him. Cain was the first one to say anything to the police. "Is there any way he can see her? Like is he allowed to see her?' he had asked as the cops nodded their heads. "we'll drive him to the hospital" Aspen said to the cops, she was the only one who could drive us legally to the hospital. 

The ride to the hospital was silent we really weren't even prepared for this moment, we were supposed to be having fun at Saints party, not going to a hospital to where we might possibly see Saints mom for the last time. "We can wait to go in if you like" I spoke when I saw that we were finally parked. "No, I'm fine, when I walk in there, she's going to be alive and well." Saint said. Everyone could tell that Saint was just trying not to worry. Once we finally got off the car and walked into the hospital, I walked straight towards the reception desk. "Um we're here for a Dorothy Grey." I asked the front receptionist.  "Shes in room 201 upstairs the doctor is waiting for her son's arrival." the receptionist told me as i nodded and walked back to where everyone was. "Shes upstairs in room 201."  

Cain's POV

When Rio told us what room Saint's mom was in everyone took a big deep breath and clicked the up button on the Elevator and waited for it to open. When the elevator opened, we all looked at each other before walking in. The ride up was silent just like the car ride here nobody had the words to say not right now. As soon as the doors opened again Saint was the first one off the elevator. This night started off to be something great and now it's really up in flames. 

Saint's POV

I stepped off the elevator before anyone else I wanted to see if my mother, my own best friend, was still alive. I didn't want to be asked if I was okay, truth is I don't think nobody is ever ready to possibly say goodbye to their mother. I walked towards a nurse hoping she was on my mother's case. " Hello ma'am I am looking for Dorothy Grey, they told me that she was in room 201." I asked the nurse. Her face went from a happy nurse who possibly just got the last ice cream to someone who was about to deliver bad news. "The doctor has been waiting for you let me go get him, you could go in if you'd like." She told me. I looked back at the guys and Aspen; they must've known that I needed them because they went into the room at the same time I did.

I walked over to my mother who had a machine attached to her mouth, it was breathing for her. Her whole life she looked like she was about to go insane but this very moment she looked at peace. "Mama I don't know if you can hear me right now but I'm here and I'm not leaving."  I spoke as I kissed her forehead. "Hello, I'm Dr. Wilson I was your mothers' doctor." The Doctor said once she came in and by the sound of her voice, I could tell I was about to say goodbye. "What do you mean was her doctor?" Jalen asked as the Doctor sighed. "It means they can't do nothing else as a doctor. they can keep her on the ventilator for a couple days, if she isn't breathing or even awake, they would have to take her off." Aspen said which she was right. "We tried getting ahold of the husband but he's not answering so we had to send the cops to look for you." The Doctor said. "It is up to you on what you want to do with her, we can keep her on life support for a couple of days or we can her off and you get to say your final goodbyes." The Doctor told me.

At that moment i felt like i couldn't breathe no more i didn't want to make this decision I wasn't ready to say goodbye not like this and not on my birthday.  "Can you give me a minute?" I asked the doctor as she nodded and walked out the door. "If i keep her on this machine I'm only being selfish and I'm possibly harming her." I finally said looking at the guys. "Saint bro." Cain spoke as I shook my head my whole life she was there, she was there for the first day of school, the first time i fell off my bike, the first time i had a football game and now she was gonna miss so much. "if you leave her on life support there's a ten percent chance that she'll be able to fight" Aspen was saying before Jalen cut her off. "Saint you're not only putting your moms life at risk but you're harming your mental health." He said as i moved the hairs out of her eyes. "She wont have to suffer through everything man" Rio said. 

"I just wanted to come in here to see if you made any decisions." The Doctor said when she came back inside the room. "I decided to take her off she looks so peaceful I don't wanna ruin that" I told the doctor as she nodded. "Okay well do you want time to say goodbye?" She asked me as i shook my head. "She always said to never say goodbye cause we'll see each other soon." I said as I kept my eyes on her, hoping that she would wake up so I would not have to lose her. "Alright" The doctor told me as she started taking out the breathing tube that was connected to my mothers mouth that was breathing for her. "I can turn off the Machine if you'd like" The doctor asked me. "No its fine" I replied back as i grabbed the chair that was beside the wall and pulled it up to my moms bed. "I will be outside if you need me" She said as she walked out. 

The room was quiet until the machine started beeping to let us know that my mom's stats were going down. "Her heartbeats going down." I said as I started feel the tears stream down my face. I laid my head one last final time on my mom's stomach to feel some comfort. After thirty minutes she was finally gone. "Momma I'm so sorry I wasn't there I could've saved you" I cried.  I wasn't ready to be in a world without my mom. "Saint its time." The boys said as they helped me up and pulled me into a hug along with Aspen. We walked out the room to meet the doctor as she was ready to clean the room out. "Doc was she stable when she got here? like did she tell you anything?" I asked. I wanted to find whoever did this even if I went to jail. "She said a name it sounded like she was saying Omar." the Doctor told me. 

At that moment everything made sense.

'Saint" Cain spoke as I walked out of the hospital. I was pissed and I was ready to kill this son of a bitch. "Wait whose Omar?" Rio asked. "That doesn't matter he is going to be dead sooner or later." I told Rio as we got to the car and waited for Aspen to unlock. "Omar is a drug lord whose been hunting Saints dad for over I don't know fifteen years" Aspen told Rio. "Basically, people want to kill us." Jalen said. "Enough talking about that motherfucker then how about we go find where Hes at and kill him" Rio said. "It's not that easy" Cain said causing me to look at him. "We have our very own FBI agent" I told him as we all looked at Aspen. 

"And if Aspen does find his address, then what?" Jalen asked as I shrugged. "I have to plan a funeral and then after that we'll figure out a plan." I told them and got into the car. "And your dad?" Cain asked. I had forgotten all about my dad until now. "He's supposedly on some business trip." I spoke. "No, he's not it shows him at some hotel" Aspen said. At that point everyone knew what type of job Aspen was going to have in the future. "I say we go to that hotel" Jalen said as I shook my head. "Tonight, I want to mourn my mom before I end up either catching him cheating or worse possibly dead as well." I told them.

We all went back to my place I told the guys that I would be fine, but they all insisted that I should not be alone especially tonight. Tomorrow please don't kill me.

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