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Jalen's POV

"Is everyone packed?" I heard Saint yell as I was walking out my room with a duffle bag, it had my weapons and clothes. "I'm ready." I said as I walked down the stairs. "We have bad news." Aspen said from Saints dad's office which was technically hers now. "What happened?" Saint asked. "Well, Omars off the grid, Delaney is now in Oakhurst and Diego is to."  Aspen said as Saint let out a big sigh. "Where is Cain and Rio?" Saint asked me as I shrugged. "Rio is packed he's making some vitamin smoothie and Cain is also packed he's loading the car with his duffle bags." Aspen said as she got up and picked up her duffle bag. "Okay so where the hell do we go first?" I asked Aspen as she walked out the office. "Let me get to the car first." She said as she locked the office. "I overheard from the kitchen but why is Delaney still walking around untouched?" Rio asked before Cain chimed in. "Diane almost would've beat her ass if the restaurant owner didn't call the cops." He spoke.

"Where are we going?" Aspen asked finally. I wanted to also know because we were standing in the middle of the room looking confused and probably stupid. "We go to Oakhurst." Saint said. "And then what?" Rio asked. "They know we are onto them; they probably know about Aspen and how she's been tracking." Saint was saying as we nodded our heads.

"Aspen set our location to New York." Saint said. "Wait why New York?" I asked. "Aspen and Rio found a house for all of us." Saint was saying. "Dianes moving with us, she's bringing her friends." Cain said. "We won't be moving until next summer cause we all have school still plus graduation." Saint said. I forgot all about school this summer had started off really chaotic and it's only the first month.

"We are going to Oakhurst." Saint finally said. We all nodded and walked out the house and got settled into the SUV. "We are handling shit with Delaney and Diego." Saint said as he got into the driver's seat. "Why can't we bring Diane then?" Aspen asked. That was the lingering question that Aspen had been asking Cain for a whole twenty-four hours. "I am not involving her into this bullshit." Cain said as Aspen rolled her eyes. "Also, I have very big news to tell you guys after this road trip." Aspen said. "Well...okay?" I said completely confused at that moment. I was so far deep into thinking about everything that had happened I didn't even realize we were already out of Fresno. "Do you guys think that after today everything will be fine?" Rio asked. "Probably not. We might go to New York and piss some people off so much so they might shoot Aspen for all we know." Saint said as he kept his eyes on the road.

Aspen's POV

I rolled my eyes playfully at the joke that Saint had made. "I get shot once and I'm automatically the weak link." I joked as I watched the cars pass us by. We were only a month into summer and so much shit had happened. Moving to New York in a whole year just felt really scary. I missed my mom more than anything and her not being in the audience for when I graduate was going to hurt me. I can't wait to tell the boys that while I was in the hospital I had gotten on testosterone. "Any news on dumbass?" Saint asked me as I shook my head. "They are waiting for us." I responded as I looked down at my leg. Every time I look at my leg, all I can think of is when he shot me like if I never mattered to him.

"You, okay?" Cain asked. I nodded my head and directed my eyes back at the computer screen. "Does anyone have to pee?" Saint asked as I raised my hand. "I do." I spoke up. Saint nodded and turned on the road that led us to the store. He pulled up to the gas pumped and put the car in park. I put my hoodie on and looked at one of the boys so they could get the hell out the car. "I am not moving." Rio asked as I let out a groan and looked over at Cain. "Get out." I asked.

Cain rolled his eyes and opened the car door so we both could get out. "Thank you." I said as I rolled my eyes and got out the car. I walked into the store and got a welcome from the worker that was behind the counter. I waved back and walked into the restroom that was big enough for five stalls. I walked into one of the stalls so I could use the restroom. Before I was going to walk out the stall a group of girls came into the bathroom. The good part was that they did not sound suspicious at all, so I went ahead and walked out the stall so I could wash my hands. "I love your boots." One girl said to me as I gave her a friendly smile. "Thank you." I responded as I grabbed paper towels and walked out the restroom.

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