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TRIGGER WARNING: There will be some violence a little bit too extreme for some viewers. If you start getting uncomfortable, please skip over the paragraph!!!

Cains POV

'There he was.' I thought to myself as I looked at the person who I had thought was dead for over a year. All I could think about was when I had to find Aspen mid attempt because she took his supposed death hard, I then remembered when I was hard on myself because I thought I was the reason he died. I put so much hatred onto myself and for what? Just to find out a year later that he was alive and that he was probably the one who told Omar about us. "So glad we can have this wonderful reunion." He spoke as a smirk appeared on his face. His face looked so evil that the Diego I once knew was gone and that for all that I knew that, that Diego was probably a fake this whole time. "So, nobody is going to talk now?"  Diego asked. "Why did you do it?" I finally asked. Diego looked at me and gave a small smile. "Do what I have done a lot of things." He answered sarcastically making me roll my eyes. "Oh, you mean fake my death and try to kill you all?" He asked. "I actually do not have to have to explain shit to any of you." He said before he grabbed Aspen by her hair.

"Let her go." I told him. "Delaney get up." Diego said. He had a gun pointed at Aspens head. "Boys take them to separate rooms." Diego said which left us all confused. Three big ass men came out from the backrooms and came walking towards us. "There's only three-" Rio was saying before another man grabbed him. I was grabbed by a big set of hands as well as I was taken to a backroom. 

Aspens POV

I looked at the boys all get taken separately as a gun was still pressed to the side of my head. "What the fuck is going to happen to them?" I asked Diego as he started laughing at me. "They will be beaten to death. Just like you." Diego told me as he let me go. The next thing I felt was a chair hit my back as I screamed out in pain. I fell to the floor and looked up at whoever hit me, which by surprise it was Delaney. "Since I have met you, you were always the favorite." She told me as she kicked me in my stomach, making me groan. I looked around to find what I could use to defend myself against the two of them. I noticed a knife that was behind the railing. I quickly grabbed the knife as Diego picked me up off the ground. I swung my hand back and hit Diego with the knife as he fell backwards. I held my stomach and looked at Delaney. I was going to say something, but she made a break for it, running out the sparring room. I sighed and ran after her while holding my stomach. 

Jalen's POV

I was thrown into a room as I looked around to see who was in the room with me. To my surprise I knew these men. They were the same men who were with Omar the day he killed Shawn. "Hey little man" One of the men said as I felt all the hatred come back inside of me. The same hatred I had when they killed my brother. "I am not going down without a fight." I told them as they chuckled lightly. "We know." One said as he punched me. I looked back up and held my jaw. "One at a time." I told them before I grabbed the gun from my pocket and hit one of the dudes with my gun. "Little brother went from crying to kicking ass how funny." They said before they seen Delaney run across. While they were busy looking out the window, I grabbed pipe that was on the floor and hit them across their heads. Once they dropped to the ground, I continued hitting them with the pipes as blood started to splatter everywhere. 

Every time I hit them; a memory of Shawn would come in my head which made me angrier because my brother was no longer with me. He never got to experience me growing up only because some cowards wanted to kill him. The grown ass men were on the ground half dead and alive unlike my brother who they actually killed in front of me. Now all I needed was this locked door to open and I would be on my way to find the boys. I moved the men out the way and stepped back. I ran straight into the door, and it did not budge. 'Come on Jalen just one last time.' I heard Shawns voice in my head. I stepped back one last final time and ran towards the door and basically fell down along with the door. I got up and dusted myself off and went to find one of the boys.

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