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It was the next day of what felt like a shitty Monday, for the first time Aspens house was no longer empty but it felt empty to her. 

Aspens POV

It was eleven am and here I was drinking coffee for the first time while my mother could be possibly dead for all I know. "Aspen?" Jalen whispered as I looked over. "Why are you whispering? those motherfuckers are deep sleepers." I told him as he laughed and sat down in one of the chairs. "I expected your house to be bigger not going to lie." Jalen said as I gave a confused look. "In this neighborhood?" I joked as I took a sip of the coffee. "How are you holding up?" He asked me as I shrugged. "In all honesty, I don't know. I woke up so early today and sat here, I don't even know if she's alive or not." I responded. "Yesterday was the first night I stayed in her room." I said as he sighed. "I can understand that." Jalen was saying before Cain came walking in the kitchen scratching his head and yawning. 

"Hey bro." Jalen said as he sat down in the other chair. "Cain did you have anything in your house?" I asked as I got up and put the coffee mug in the sink. "No, I sold out right before the funeral." Cain said. "Well, that was the only great thing to happen." Jalen said as I shook my head. "Alright I have to go handle some business, my mom left her car, so I'll be back in an hour." I said as I grabbed my jacket and mom's car keys. I walked out the door and headed on with my business. 

Cains POV

I was still half asleep when Aspen left. "Bro when is saint going to wake up?" I asked Jalen as he shrugged. "He should be up by now." He said as i got up and started to look through Aspen's pantries and found some of Baby Dallas's mac and cheese cups. "Bro my fucking house is fucking gone, and I have nowhere to go." I was saying as I put some water into the cup of noodles. "Why don't we all move into my house, it could be like a college house." Saint said as I looked over at him. "Nah man that's a rich neighborhood." I said and put my mac and cheese into the microwave and started it. "Exactly nobody expects anything." Saint said. "Nah that's actually smart, we have our own compound just like Omar." Jalen said. "But better." Saint said. "I'm down as long as I don't end up in jail again." I said as Saint started to laugh. "How you going to end up in jail if nobody knows where you are?" Saint said. 

"Wait where is Aspen?" Saint asked as i shrugged. "I think she said she was going to handle some business and that she took her mom's car." I said as Saint nodded and sat down on one of the chairs as I took my mac and cheese out the microwave. "We will talk more about this when Rio wakes up in a bit or hour." Saint said as I nodded. All I wanted to do right now was eat this mac and cheese and have a somewhat calm day.

Aspens POV

I parked my car in the City's police station parking lot and got off. "Is officer Ramirez working today?" I asked as the lady nodded. "Can you let him know that Aspen Vega is looking for him." I spoke. Officer Ramirez was chief of the Fresno Police Department. "He said to go right in." The lady said as I nodded and walked to the office and walked in. "Save the hello I need a million dollars." I told him and sat down as he looked at me confused. "I'm a policeman not a bank." He said to me as I rolled my eyes. "You are also married and banging my mom at the same time." I shot back and gave a small smile. "Now back to the million dollars." I said to him. "Aspen I'm afraid I'm going to have to arrest you if you ever blackmail me ever again." He said to me as i sat forward. "Thats very funny of you but I'm afraid I have so much shit that can have you living on the street in a matter of no time." I said as I grabbed my phone. 

"Give me the million dollars or i send your wife the text messages you sent me before finding out I was a minor, the messages you sent my mom and the videos." I told him. "I can only do a thousand." He said to me as I started to laugh. "You think I'm stupid? You're a chief, you make so much money." I said to him as he stared at me. "How about I send the videos of you fucking the receptionist that's outside your door." I said as he got up from his chair. "I have so much shit on you, you don't want me to tell anyone." I spoke. "Follow me to my car." He said as he opened the door. 

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