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Pairing: Felix x Hyunjin
Genre: fluff, Hybrid AU, little space AU
Warning: none

It was a dark raining evening around 7 pm and Hyunjin was finally walking home from the dance studio, he had been teaching all day and he finally could take a break and get a decent amount of food and sleep.

Holding his umbrella above his head his fast movements rushing from the rain made him splash up puddles that had formed throughout the day.

Hyunjin took a quick stop at a convenience store to grab some snacks that he could have during the movie night he had planned. Sure he would be lonely but that just meant he didn't have to share all the snacks and drinks.

Pushing open the door the bell of the store rang, giving a short bow and hello to the cashier Hyunjin took the shortest route to the snack section. Glancing at the colorful packaging Hyunjin decided on some shrimp flavored and some bbq. His two favorites. Glancing at the soju for a second, the boy felt there was no harm in having some tonight, considering he had the day off tomorrow it wouldn't matter if he got slightly tipsy.

Grabbing one bottle Hyunjin took up his stash to the cashier luckily it was a quiet evening and so there wasn't a queue to wait to pay.

"Hello" Hyunjin gave a polite bow and quickly paid for the food. He mentally thanked the worker for not trying to make small talk as they scanned Hyunjin and couldn't bare to talk to another human after having to deal with them all day.

Grabbing the plastic bag Hyunjin left the store quickly, not before re-opening his umbrella. The rain hadn't subsided and it seemed to only get worse.

Letting out a deep sigh Hyunjin trudged in the direction of his flat. He'd only gotten a few streets from the store when he heard some meowing. Glancing round to see where the noise had come from, Hyunjin struggled to spot what seemed to be a cat.
Thinking nothing of it Hyunjin went to carry on but soon the meowing happened again. He couldn't bare to not find the cat, Minho wouldn't even talk to him if he even mentioned leaving a cat in the rain.
Getting out his phone, and putting on the back flashlight on Hyunjin could clearly see a white cat with brown, and black patches. The cat had no collar and was drenched from top to bottom.

"Aww, you poor thing" Hyunjin let out a small cry as he placed his bag down and shuffled closer to the cat.

As the boy moved slightly the cat took a few steps back.

"I'm not going to hurt you" Hyunjin explained as if the cat could even understand him. However, what surprised the boy was after saying this the cat rushed forward into the tall boy's lap and under the umbrella.


Scooping up the cat and his bag Hyunjin began to make his way back to his apartment.
"Let's get you all dry and warm, I think I also have some cat food left over from when I looked after Minho's cats as well"

The wet cat purred and got comfy in Hyunjins arms.

Soon enough the human and cat got to the boy's apartment. Sighing in relief Hyunjin let the cat jump out of his arms and onto the ground.
Taking his bag and umbrella into the kitchen to sort them and find some cat food for the cat, not before grabbing an old towel.

Humming along to the song he had been recently choreographing Hyunjin did all the essentials and finally made his way back into the living room expecting and hoping to find the cat that he had brought back. But there wasn't.

"Kitty?" Hyunjin let out a soft call looking around the room. Hyunjin started to check under the chairs when he heard loud crying coming from the bathroom in the hall.

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