Visiting Santa💌

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Pairing: Hyunjin x Felix
Genre: little space, fluff, cute
Warning: none

"Come on Fe, time to go!" Hyunjin shouted as he climbed the stairs of his small house. Pushing open the door to his and Felix's shared room.
As soon as he pushed open the door he was met with carnage. The fairy lights were glowing and the curtains were still closed. He knew Felix was up, due to the fact he found the boy sitting in a pile of jumpers as he struggled to put one on. One arm in the head hole and his head trying to get into the sleeve.
Hyunjin let out a chuckle as he made his way to the whining boy.
"Stuck" Felix whined as Hyunjin crouched down and helped the boy out of his jumper. Shaking the jumper out so the sleeves weren't tangled, Hyunjin rolled up the body of the sweater and pushed it over Felix's head. As Felix's head popped through the younger boy let out a giggle, Hyunjin smiled softly and ruffled his blonde hair.

Felix happily let the boy manoeuvre his arms in the right place.
"There you go Fe" Hyunjin smiled as he straightened it out so it would sit nicely on the boy's shoulders.
The sweater was decorated with reindeer having a snowball fight with a snowman, Felix's favourite sweater to wear during Christmas, especially when he was feeling little due to the soft and fluffy sweater, it gave him the feeling of safety.

Hyunjin lifted up the boy so he was standing," Do you want to go and grab your boots and coat?" Hyunjin asked the boy who immediately nodded and rushed down the stairs.

"Don't run!" Hyunjin shouted.
He could just envision Felix slipping down the wooden stairs because of the fluffy socks he was wearing. Listening carefully to make sure that the boy hadn't fallen, Hyunjin got to work to quickly put away the jumpers that Felix had thrown out to find his favourite one.
He also turned off the fairy lights and opened the curtains, met with the bright light of the sun shining on the layer of white that filled the streets.

Quickly making his way downstairs now wearing his own coat and boots, Hyunjin was glad to see Felix had managed to put on his boots and his coat.
"Want a cookie before we go?" Hyunjin asked the boy who immediately perked up at the word 'cookie'.

"Yes yes yes!" Felix bounced up and down and followed Hyunjin to the kitchen who opened the container holding the cookies that Felix had baked just yesterday when he was in his normal headspace.
"Eat it slowly, we don't need you choking" Hyunjin passed over one of the delectable treats, taking one for himself.

Hyunjin kept an eye on Felix eating his own before being satisfied that he wouldn't choke it.

"Let's go" Hyunjin took the boy's hand and led the way out of the house and to the car.

"Snow!!" Felix squealed as he tried to pull himself away from Hyunjin's hold.
Hyunjin immediately knew if the boy stepped foot in that snow then he would start a snowball fight, or make snow angels, and considering they were going to the mall to do Christmas shopping and to a very special event that Hyunjin had only found out through Minho when he took Jisung. He hadn't told Felix to hopefully surprise the younger. He really didn't need to have to walk with a cold Felix covered in snow around the mall.

The journey to the mall wasn't long, it only took around twenty minutes and it was mainly Felix babbling nonsense as Christmas songs played in the background. It was December 1st. Christmas music had already been playing since last week, not that Hyunjin would complain. He loved getting into the Christmas spirit early. He had already put up the Christmas tree yesterday so that they could have the tree up all month.

As they arrived at the mall, Hyunjin tightened his hand around Felix's. "No running off okay?" Hyunjin bopped Felix's nose making the boy let out a small giggle.

"Okay dada" Felix gave a serious look and a nod.

The mall was pretty busy which wasn't a surprise because Christmas had officially started, there was a large Christmas tree at the entrance of the store.
Felix tugged his caregiver towards the shiny baubles on the tree.

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