
945 9 1

Pairing: Hyunjin x Seungmin
Genre: fluff
Warning: none

Hyunjin was stressed, it was now the 19th which meant it was less than a week till Christmas and he still hadn't found a present for Seungmin.

"That's not helpful Lix" Hyunjin sighed into his phone as he trudged around the city looking for different shops which could potentially have the perfect gift for Seungmin.

Felix, being one of Seungmin's closest friends, offered to help Hyunjin with the gift searching, however, he seemed almost as clueless as Hyunjin when it came to finding a present for Seungmin. It wasn't that the boy was hard to shop for, he was fairly easy. However, Hyunjin wanted to give his boyfriend something more special than a bog-standard gift that anyone could buy the boy.

Felix had just suggested that he buy Seungmin a box of different sweets and chocolate, that was a very standard and boring gift, which made Hyunjin more frustrated. He stepped into a clothing store to see if he could find his boyfriend some new attire, it would be simple enough. He ended the call with his friend and began his search.

Despite it being 6 days till the big day, the store was fairly empty, the complete opposite of the busy streets filled with families in the search for shopping.
Glancing through the rack of clothes the tall boy did manage to pick out a few items, the first was a brown knitted sweater that was perfect for the cold weather that would surely continue through into January and the early weeks of February. Hyunjin could tell from the thick material that it would be perfect for Seungmin, especially as he knew the boy got cold often.
The next item he had picked up was a light blue shirt, even though Seungmin couldn't wear it right now, it was on sale, and would suit the sandy-haired boy in the warmer weather. It also fits his style sense, smart casual with the occasional jumpers, joggers and more comfy clothes.

Happy with the first set of gifts Hyunjin went to pay and headed out to look for a few more things.
As he pushed his way through the crowds he spotted a jewellery store. This shop was pretty packed, which wasn't a surprise as a lot of people gift accessories to their friends and family. He made his way to the ring section and within a few minutes, he had already decided that getting Seungmin his birthstone on a ring would be cute. With a quick look searching up to make sure he got the right stone, Hyunjin picked out a thicker ring. Luckily he had shopped for rings for his boyfriend before and so knew the size.

"Hi! Can I get this in a size 19 please" Hyunjin pointed the ring out to the staff.

"Of course, would you like it gift-wrapped?" She asked as she typed in the ring to the cash register and collected the right ring and size.
"Oh yes please, that would be great thanks" Hyunjin smiled gratefully as he swiped his card and paid, trying to not think about the price.
As much as it was still a great gift, it wasn't the perfect gift for Seungmin so he would have to search a bit more.

Re-entering the busy streets Hyunjin started to walk by the windows and started to just window shop rather than entering every single one he passed. As he was glancing into another shop window he felt his phone vibrate and start ringing.

'Minnie 💞'

"Hey Minnie!" Hyunjin smiled as he answered the phone.

"Hi, What time are you gonna be getting back? Felix asked if we wanted to meet up for food, but if you're going to be back soon we can go together!"

"Oh, I'm still going to be a little while so go without me Seung, I don't mind" Hyunjin smiled as he heard how excited Seungmin was to meet up with Felix.

"Okay, I probably won't be too long then"

Hyunjin smiled and the pair soon ended the call as Felix had already decided to arrive, despite the fact they weren't going to leave for another twenty minutes.

The dancer decided to end his shopping trip there so he could wrap the presents before Seungmin got back. As he walked down the street he let his eyes wander around the shops, in one store he saw it was full of different notebooks, pens, and diaries.
Diaries... that's it.
Seungmin had been complaining about how he had filled up his training diary and needed a new one. Not many people really knew he kept it, except his teachers and Hyunjin. He barely even let Hyunjin from reading it because it held so many notes, of not only his training but a few secrets that he held close to his heart.
Hyunjin quickly took a detour from his journey home to venture into the store.

It wasn't long before he found the perfect diary, it was light blue, gently glittered around the edges with some flowers adorned into the spine and bottom corner of the front cover.

Grinning happily Hyunjin was quick to buy it and finally make his journey home.


Stepping into his house he knew immediately that Seungmin was still out. His shoes were missing off the shoe rack and his coat was equally gone.
Shoving off his own boots and coat, Hyunjin quickly got to work grabbing the wrapping paper and went into the front room to wrap the presents, he made sure to shut the door so if his boyfriend did come back he wouldn't immediately see Hyunjin.

Deciding to shove on a Christmas film whilst wrapping, Hyunjin settled for the Christmas chronicles not really thinking he'd pay much attention, it was only there for background noise.
He pressed play and got settled on the ground watching the opening.

"I'm home!" Seungmin called as he pulled off his shoes, carrying Felix's presents for the pair to keep under the tree till the 25th.

"Jinnie?" Seungmin spoke out as he pushed open the front door slowly.

"AHH NO!! DON'T COME IN!" Hyunjin shouted worried seungmin would see his presents.

"Uh okay?" Seungmin shut the door.

Shrugging it off, he just assumed Hyunjin was busy wrapping presents, so the boy went to their shared bedroom and just grabbed a book to read, maybe moving to the front room when Hyunjin was finished. It probably wouldn't take long.

Hyunjin hasn't started wrapping, instead getting too caught out with how good the film was he sat for an hour watching it before Seungmin came back.
Trying to not watch the film, Hyunjin decided to actually start on the wrapping.

"Right, let's actually do this" Hyunjin said to himself as he pulled the diary close to him.

Seungmin sighed as he decided to stop reading, it had been thirty minutes, surely Hyunjin would be done. Climbing off the bed the boy made his way to the front room hoping his boyfriend would let him in.

"Jinnie you done?" Seungmin knocked on the door.
He heard a couple of swear words and then Hyunjin called out.
"I'm not done just yet Minnie!"

Seungmin rolled his eyes, how long did it take to wrap presents?

Hyunjin quickly carried on wrapping up the other presents making sure he actually finished before continuing to watch the end of the film. He was using gingerbread wrapping paper, and on top tied some string and placed on a bow, even though there were only two of them here for Christmas Day he wrote a small name tag.

"Hyunjin, seriously how long does it take to wrap presents?" Seungmin pushed the door open fully with his arms crossed.

Hyunjin bashfully chuckled as Seungmin immediately spotted the Christmas film playing.

"Hyung seriously... I wanted to watch this as well, no wonder you took forever" Seungmin pouted and sat down on the sofa. He was lucky Hyunjin had rushed to actually finish wrapping.

"Sorry! We can restart it if you want!" Hyunjin frowned.

Seungmin chuckled, "it's fine, but now I'm kicking you out so I can wrap my presents, you stole all the wrapping paper"

"Do it later when I'm not in" Hyunjin shrugged and plopped himself next to Seungmin and restarted the film.

He heard Seungmin sigh, but the boy still curled up against Hyunjin as the film restarted.

Word count: 1353

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