Little lix pt.5💌

384 5 19

Pairing: Hyunjin x Felix
Genre: Fluff, little space
Warning: Mean comments, judgemental people

"Wake up, Bokkie, we need to get to work," Hyunjin leaned over the crib, his forearms resting against the railing. The little stirred, smacking his lips and snuggling deep into his blanket. The corner of Hyunjin's lips pulled up, watching the younger with fondness. "Yongbok~" he called again. Felix huffed in his sleep, gripping his plushie.

"Alright, I'll go by myself today. Noona is here so be good," He patted Felix's hip, straightening up and turning to leave.

"Mm, no go with daddy," he mumbled.

"Well you need to get up if you want to come with me," the chaebol turned back. Felix opened his eyes half way, raising his hands clutching a plushie and the other his pacifier. "You need to get dressed, sunshine," Hyunjin pushed away some of the hairs getting into his eyes. He picked up the shorter, placing him on the floor.

"No, thank you," he shook his head.

"It's cold outside, you need to wear something warm," he chided, looking at the thin pajamas with disapproval. Felix pouted, furrowing his brow. Hyunjin thought he was going to protest again but instead he reached into his crib and pulled out his quilt, wrapping himself up before shuffling towards his closet and pulling out a beanie, slipping it on his head haphazardly before returning to hyunjin.

"M'warm now," Felix stated, looking both drowsy and satisfied. Hyunjin sighed but took what he could get.

"Fine, let's go," The taller opened the door, allowing the blond to go first. Felix's white quilt dragged on the floor and he knew his noona would scold him about it later but he'd endure it because Felix looked comfortable.

Hyunjin made sure Felix was buckled in before pulling out of the garage, making way to his office. He had many meetings today so all in all, it helped that Felix was extra sleepy because it meant that the younger would just sleep through them and Hyunjin wouldn't need to share his attention as much.

The car ride had lulled Felix into a deep sleep, forcing Hyunjin to carry the younger inside. He wouldn't wake him up because Felix would only get fussy and upset and that's the last thing he needed today. He handed his keys to one of the security guards, asking him to park his car. He shouldered Felix's bag, adjusting his grip on the other who's face was tucked into his neck. Hyunjin's face was unbothered as he walked into the office, the employees lingering gazes on him as he walked towards the elevator. Whilst they have grown accustomed to seeing the blond with their boss, it was still quite the sight to watch Hyunjin carry him as if Felix were a child.

"Good morning, vice chairman," his secretary greeted.

"Good morning," Hyunjin nodded, pushing open his doors. "My schedule, please," Jisoo was quick to get out of her chair, iPad in hand as she followed the chaebol inside.

"Today at 9:00am you have a meeting with Mr. Jung following through with another meeting with your father's former partners at 11:00. After lunch you have two more meetings; one with Mr. Song and the other with Mr. Park," she said, continuing to go into detail about what each meeting was about.

"They're all here, correct?" Hyunjin pinched the bridge of his nose, already feeling the headache he was bound to get later.

"Yes, sir," Hyunjin placed the bag on his coat rack before carefully setting Felix down into his playpen so he could finish his sleep. The younger shifted, his mouth opening and closing, searching for his pacifier. Hyunjin pulled the small case out of his pocket, pulling out the pink object and placing it between his lips. Felix sighed contently, gripping onto his blanket tighter. Hyunjin gazed fondly at the smaller, unaware of the growing smile on his lips.

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