little lix💌

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Pairing: Hyunjin x Felix
Genre: fluff, little space
Warning: none

This was not how Hyunjin thought he would be spending his free time but he couldn't find it in himself to mind. Once in a few, it was aggravating and it took everything inside him to keep from lashing out, but he contained himself. It wouldn't be fair to the younger and Hyunjin knew that. He wasn't exactly sure what he was getting himself into when he first agreed but he was more than willing to learn and do the best he could, even with his heavy work schedule. After all, it wasn't easy being the son of the most important chaebol in South Korea no matter what people liked to speculate.

"Let the president know that I need him to look over these files," the ebony-haired chairman spoke as he pressed manila folders down onto his secretary's desk.

"Yes, vice chairman," the secretary spoke as he pulled his blazer over his steamed white button-up. "You will be heading out early today, sir?"

"Yes, you may leave once you've finished with whatever task it is you have left," the secretary bowed her head in respect, thanking him before he left towards his building's elevator. He was quick to arrive at the restaurant that had been agreed upon to meet up at. He was excited to see one of his best friend's after years of being gone.

"Hyunjin!" he had been the last to arrive, everyone already seated. The Australian stood and Hyunjin grinned as they reached over and shared a hug, enjoying being in each other's presence once again.

"Chan hyung," Hyunjin greeted, the two finally sitting down. Hyunjin greeted the rest of his friends, noticing the eighth person sitting at their table. He frowned in confusion, looking at the rest of his friends for answers.

"Ah, this is Felix, he's a close friend of mine that came with me from Australia," Chan introduced. The chaebol was taken aback at the beauty the smaller boy radiated. He had blond hair and an array of freckles sprinkled across his nose and cheekbones. Hyunjin was never one to deny when he found someone beautiful and Chan's friend was definitely gorgeous.

"Hi," the younger spoke, waving shyly.

"Hello," Hyunjin was taken aback by the deepness of his voice and he wasn't the only one because the others recognized the look of surprise that had appeared on his face because they had seen it on each other just a bit earlier.

"Surprised you're here this early," Jisung was quick to tease once introductions and greetings had been shared.

"Yeah, left the office early," he explained.

"How's the important business man life going for you?" Chan chuckled as he flipped the meat with the help of Minho.

"Tiring, not going to lie," Hyunjin sighed, the rest of his friends nodding in empathy, knowing just how busy the long-haired was.

"You look like you need a break," Chan observed.

"Thank you! Told you we weren't seeing things," Changbin sighed. "He never listens when we tell him to take a break or a small vacation," he ratted the younger out.

"Well it's not like a company is going to run itself," the tallest shrugged. "Besides, it's not that bad," everyone scoffed.

"Yeah right," Minho shook his head.

"It doesn't matter," he sat up straighter, "How was Australia?" from there the conversation picked up and the group of boys talked and joked amongst each other like no one had ever left. Except for Felix, he was quiet most of the time, only speaking when spoken too. Chan explained that he was just shy around new people. Hyunjin noticed the younger often, he couldn't help himself but to look. He was just so pretty. He looked at him so many times he swore he had seen what looked like a pacifier being moved from one pocket to the other but he must've imagined it because he never saw it again.

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