Little lix pt. 9💌

470 6 20

Pairing: Hyunjin x Felix
Genre: fluff, little space
Warning: none

A knock on his door startled him out of his thoughts, making him jump out of his chair. He stood up, picking up his tie as he walked to the door, hanging it around his neck as he turned the knob.


Hyunjin scowled. "What are you doing here?"

"This is a business event is it not?" His father rose a thick, grey brow, stepping into the room without bother for an invitation.

"One in which I don't recall your presence being necessary," Hyunjin said through tight lips and a fake smile, closing the door.

"Can the chairman not come and see how his company is doing?" The man crossed his hands behind his back, looking over at Hyunjin with most condescending look the man could manage.

"Of course, perhaps at the company, not New York," Hyunjin began to tie his tie, knowing he had to leave in less than ten minutes to get to a meeting.

"Well I thought I'd come and watch my son work," His eyes roamed the room, head turning ever so slightly from side to side.

"What is that you want, father? Because a friendly visit definitely isn't it," Hyunjin narrowed his eyes.

"Making sure you didn't bring that boy toy of yours here—"

"Don't call him that—" he growled but his father raised his hand in a halting motion, keeping Hyunjin from saying more.

The man took a step closer. "I know you've been taking him to the company which is quite vile from your part and inappropriate, but alas, I let it happen seeing as you were doing fine. But now, you've cut off deals because of that brat so I'm making sure you're not going to let him ruin deals overseas too," his father was angry but Hyunjin was seething. It was taking so much of his willpower to not scream and say things that would make the devil stutter.

"I have a meeting to attend," he managed through gritted teeth, he gripped the door handle unnecessarily tight, opening it. "Leave," he gestured with his hand.

"Get rid of him, son," the older man scowled before stepping out.

"No," Hyunjin slammed the door. "Fuck!" He turned around, kicking the nearest thing which happened to be a vanity. The wine glasses that had been resting on it fell off, shattering on the floor, the furniture rocking violently. His foot throbbed but he was far too angry to even fully acknowledge the pain. He just wanted to hit something but he knew he shouldn't. With the amount of rage he had right now, he would probably break his hand if he punched something hard. He felt like screaming but he composed himself after catching sight of the time. His secretary was bound to come and knock any time soon and he had to be well composed by then. He would not fuck up any of these meetings because of his dad.

Not a minute later there was indeed a knock on his door once more, his secretary calling out for him, letting him know they had to leave. Hyunjin grabbed his blazer off the bed, finishing the Windsor knot and leaving with his secretary.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you Mr. Hwang, thank you for coming," the businessman greeted as Hyunjin came through the door.

"It is a pleasure to be here," Hyunjin spoke in his best English, having had to learn it well knowing overseas meetings like these were common in his line of work.

"Shall we begin?" The man gestured to Hyunjin's seat, the dark-haired sitting as shown.

"Let us not waste any more time," the chaebol gave him his best professional smile and the meeting began.

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