your arms💌

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pairing: 3racha
genre: littlespace, fluff
warnings: none

jisung was used to sleepless nights at the studio for the sake of finishing his songs before his thoughts were able to scurry away. so why was he struggling to even sit down, it felt as if his head was a pound of weight, not to mention the lights felt so incredibly bright. perhaps jisung should just take a few minutes of break, right after he finishes writing down the the bridge. the lingering lyrics had seemed to fail to make sense yet jisung still took it into consideration as the random words were lined in a row.

maybe some coffee would fix this. chan promised to come in about an hour and jisung knew he had time to spare. but as he tried standing on his own two feet, it felt as if the world had began spinning, his limbs giving out as he collapsed on his knees. oh, jisung definitely overestimated his own strength at the moment, had he been so tired, he couldn't even stand up?

to begin with, jisung forgot to eat this morning. it was nearing eight pm, and there he was surviving purely on coffee. it didn't take much for jisung to realize he simply wasn't capable of walking around at the moment, quickly slumping into the swivel chair and pushing it back, allowing himself some comfort. he will rest for a little while, just in time for chan to arrive.

but jisung was cold.

he was shivering to his bones, desperately snuggling into the thin jacket he had on.

really, jisung couldn't bother to get up and properly lay down on the much warmer couch. it wasn't as if jisung wanted a long nap, he just needed a moment to regain some energy before going back to work.

just for a moment.

and time doesn't seem to exist, a loud call for his name was the first thing jisung remembered hearing upon opening his eyes. what time is it, how long had he been asleep, jisung has no idea. all he knows was that there was loud banging on the door and his phone was ringing uncontrollably. chan must have arrived and he wasted no time running to open the door. and honestly, that was the worst idea jisung had came up for today.

as the door unlocked, jisung braced himself for impact, one again hitting the floor with a thud as he felt his body loosen up at the sudden movement. chan's heart nearly jumped out of his chest, but jisung was fast enough to gather himself, quickly slamming his fragile body into the cushioned swivelled chair. hesitantly, chan stepped inside, shutting the door tightly yet leaving it unlocked. "what was that?" asked chan, still staring holes into the latter's weak figure.

"my legs are just numb, sat on them while sleeping."

a good enough reason to ease chan. jisung nearly applauded himself for the quick thinking.

and so, jisung finally reached out for his phone that had been booming with notifications.

8:47 pm.

jisung had slept longer than he expected, perhaps that's why he still felt sleepy. now, jisung had came to realize how starved he was as his stomach growled in protest. ignoring the unpleasant sensation, jisung tapped through his messages, seeing nothing but texts from 2racha and minho. they had been concerned of his lack of replies and the most recent messages had been chan notifying he was outside the locked studio.

it wasn't often that chan didn't bring his own set of keys but jisung couldn't care enough to ask. he was at the verge of melting into a puddle with the amount of uneasy feelings he was experiencing. "have you eaten yet, hannie?" chan spoke, rummaging through his back to fetch his treasured laptop, taking a quick glance at jisung's expression as the boy went silent. well, that was more than enough of an answer.

"what did i say about skipping meals, you stubborn boy? go get something to eat from the vending machine now. i won't start until you have something going in your system." sternly chan had said, gesturing for jisung to grab his wallet from the couch. it hadn't seem too bad of a suggestion and normally jisung would have jumped from joy before buying literally everything from the poor machine. yet jisung found himself fixed in his spot, not moving an inch before chan had dragged his chair closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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