Little lix pt.8💌

390 7 17

Pairing: Hyunjin x Felix
Genre: fluff, little space
Warning: none

"Hyung, what do I do?" Hyunjin ran his hands through his hair. He was stressed, nervous, and very worried.

"Hey, relax," Chan chuckled over the phone. "By the way, thanks for letting us know that you and Felix were together. It was great to hear about it two weeks after it happened," Chan teased.

"Sorry, we just got caught up in things and—wait you're not mad right? Because I was mad at myself for a while too, you know. And I had an entire existential crisis about it and I'm really sorry because I know that's definitely not what you had in mind when you asked me to take care of him. I thought you might actually kill me, you know, 'cause like that's—"

"Hyunjin," Chan cut off his rambling and the chaebol squeezed his eyes, ready to get yelled at. "I'm not mad. I figured you guys would get to together at some point, you're very compatible with each other which is another reason why I thought it would workout for you to take care of him. I just thought it would've happened earlier to be honest. I mean, it's been like what three months since you started caring for him?"

Hyunjin hummed in response. "Yeah, almost four."

"Yeah, see I thought you guys would've called it three weeks in to be completely honest," Chan chuckled.

"That fast?" Hyunjin furrowed his brows.

"Yes," he deadpanned.

"Oh, okay well uh," Hyunjin cleared his throat. "Well, as I mentioned earlier, I had an existential crisis over it so it took a while," he laughed.

"I know, Changbin told me all about it like four days ago," Chan laughed.

"Oh God, he probably made it more dramatic that it was," he groaned.

"He said you were crying and staring at a plate for 15 minutes and then had a whole spiel about being selfish and undeserving of taking care of Felix because you had feelings for him."

Hyunjin pressed his lips together. "... no that sounds about right," Chan barked out laughter, squeaking at the end. "I hate all of you."

"Aw, love you too Hyunjinnie," Chan cooed.

"Moving on," Hyunjin pouted, even if the elder couldn't see it. "What am I supposed to do? I can't just leave him here. Who's going to take care of him?"

"How far are you going and how long?"

"New York for five days."

Chan hummed. "Flying isn't good for him, he hates it and fucks with his sleeping schedule which fucks with his entire routine—"

"And then he gets stressed and bratty and then he starts complaining about everything and starts acting like a demon child so then you have to lock yourself in the closet and tell yourself you love him and you're not supposed to ditch him in a room with a movie so you can go cry your anger out in your room because he doesn't mean to be that way so its not fair to let it out on him," Hyunjin finished.

"Yeah, something like that," Chan laughed. "So, have you told him?"

"No, that's why I'm asking you. I want to take him but it won't—"

"Not about the trip, Hyun. I mean, have you told him you love him?"

Hyunjin choked. "HUh?"

"So I'll take that as a no."

"W-What are you talking about?" Hyunjin went to rest his elbow on the table to lean on but he missed and slammed the side of his head into the desk instead. "Ow, fuck," he rubbed his head.

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