My mate (Vegas pov)

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I meet Pete when I have a meeting with his brother,Kinn. Back then I wasn't interested in him but Kinn's assistance, Porsche. Kinn was also interested. Later I save Pete from alpha who attack him. And one thing led to another and we slept together.

I didn't think much of it back then. Pete body was soft and he smelled good. But I didn't like him, I liked Porsche. Pete seem to know that he never ask about it.

Sleeping with Pete become a normal thing, we didn't date or any thing but Pete was sweet and want to do stuff with me.

One day, it was my rut. Pete came to me, he didn't know it was my rut and I accidentally marked him. And that how we become mate. I apologize to him and told him I will take responsibility. He didn't ask for anything, he just want to spend sometime together.

I don't know why he like me, I was never good to him. I treat in like a stranger infront of other and ignore him and chase Porsche. But he still like me.

A year later, he got pregnant with my child. It was a shocking for me. Kinn beat the hell out of me but Pete begged him to stop. A few month later, we got married. Our marriage life was fine. Pete was a good wife, he cook, cleans the house and never give me any trouble but still I didn't love him.

8 month after marriage, he gives birth to a baby boy. I wasn't in the city while he was in labor so I got to meet our baby a day after birth. Pete welcome me with a wide smile. And we talked for a long time. He named the baby Venice.

Everything continue as normal, I didn't spend much time with Pete or my son. I was busy with my work.

When Venice was about 9 month, he started to talk and then learn to walk when he was about 1 year nd a few month. I wasn't there to see it but Pete told me all about it when I come back from work late at night , I took a shower and he would prepare the food for me. And then tell me about the day and what Venice do.

We started to have problem, when Venice was 2 years old. Venice started ask Pete about me and why I was not around. Pete would ask me to work less and spend time with our boy but each time when we made plan I would have to cancel cause of work and that made Pete mad.

One day, we got into a huge argument and I yelled at him that if it weren't for him, I could him gotten Porsche. As soon it said those word, Pete looked shocked. Tear were coming out of his eye. He slapped me hard in the face and run up stair and slam our bedroom door shut. I followed him and knock on the door. "Pete I am sorry, I didn't mean to say those word to you. I am so sorry. Open the door please"

"leave me alone" he replied. I stand there in front of the door for a while. I could hear him crying from the other side.

A few hours later, Venice came to he. He was hungry, I went to the kitchen and made something.

We ate together. "Papa, are you guys going to get divorce?" he asked. "No , we aren't going to get divorce. We just have some fight that all" I told him. "Then do you love mama?" he asked. I didn't know what answer, I don't want to lie to him. "Stop asking question and eat" I told him.

After a while, I put him to bed and went to check on Pete. I open the door with the key, and found Pete sleeping on the cold hard floor. His eye are red from crying. I carried him to our bed and cover him with an blanket. And then I went to sleep beside him.

When I woke up , Pete wasn't beside me. I though he was making breakfast in the kitchen but he wasn't there. I search for him but he was no where to be found. Venice was also gone. Worry , I called his phone. To my surprise, kinn pick up. Kinn to me that Pete was there and Venice was too. And that they were going to stay there for a few day.

5 days later, they still weren't back. I drove to Kinn's house to bring them back. Pete was not happy to see me but Venice was. Venice run to hug me. The drive to the house was silence. Pete didn't say a word.

After that Pete treated me like a stranger, no matter how many time I say sorry or tried to change he was the same. A few month later, he hire a housekeeper. He said he wanted to focus more on Venice. He still cook for Venice, not for me tho.

This continue for years, Pete would pretend to be lovely with me infront of Venice but when Venice wasn't around we were like stranger.

There were no sweet voice waking me up in the morning, no welcome after home, no home cook meal and no Pete tell me all about his day and asking about me.

I just wished I could turn back time and stop myself from saying those word. Maybe then we would have been a happy family.

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