The truth

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Vegas was excited about tomorrow. It was the first time in 2 years that Pete had asked him for something that wasn't about Venice. Venice was always included, but Pete never included Vegas in his plan in the last 2 years.

On the day of the trip, Pete woke up early, prepared food for everyone, and packed their bags. Then he woke up Vegas and Venice. Vegas was happy to hear the sweet voice once again that used to wake him up every morning and to eat the breakfast prepared by him together. It has been a long time since the family ate together. 

After eating, Vegas drove them to the sea. They were staying at a house near the sea that Vegas had bought. The family enjoys their time there. In the morning, Pete would make them breakfast and then they would go to the beach in the evening. Then take a stroll at night. 

Vegas was happy. He thought Pete had finally accepted him again, but it was far from the truth.

Vegas felt that his family was complete again. 

A few months later Vegas start to notice things about Pete's health. Pete would eat less and would throw up after. He was getting thinner too. This made Vegas concerned, he was worried so he decided to ask Pete to go and check at the hospital. But Pete refuse, Pete already know what the cause but he wasn't ready to tell him the truth. 


~5 months later 

"Sir, your wife has fainted and had been taken to the hospital" Vegas's secretary informed Vegas. Vegas rushes to the hospital to his sick mate.

"Please don't tell him" Vegas heard Pete from the other side of the door. "Tell me what?" Vegas barge into the room. 

"Vegas" Pete was surprised to see him. "It's nothing important" Pete replied looking away. " Are you hiding something from me" Vegas yanked Pete's hand, making Pete look at him.  

"It's nothing, you don't need to know," Pete said once again. This made vegas angrier, he was worried. Although he was holding Pete in his arm, he felt that he could slip away any second.

"Pete, please tell me what is going on?" At this point, Vegas was begging Pete to tell him. Pete look at Vegas with eyes full of sadness, he wasn't ready. He was not ready for how Vegas would react. 

"It's nothing, I just overwork and fainted." Pete lied. "That's why I told you to hire a maid. Now you fainted" 

"I am fine really" Pete laughed it off.

Even though Pete said he was fine, he in fact was not fine. He was getting weaker every day. But Pete being Pete, never tell anyone his pain. Always put a mask on his face. 

And of course Vegas was noticing something was wrong with Pete and did a investigation on his own. 

"Khun Vegas, I have what you ask for" Nop inform him. "Okay thanks, you can go now" the bodyguard left the file on the table and left. 

On the file contain the medical record of Pete's.

To be continue....

hey guys sorry for not posting for a long time. I am just so busy with studying. 

But I will try to write when I can. 

Bye bye 

see u next time

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