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- Seventh Chapter -
Fatima Steven's
That Night

I walked into Hayden and I's master bedroom with a huge smile upon my face.

I bought the lingerie B requested and I looked dang good, I took pictures and uploaded them.

All the Instagram comments were hyping me up and even the shaderoom.

Everybody complemented by body and said Hayden was lucky to have me.

And even through all that I was still scared as hell to show him.

"T?" I looked back at him, he was laying down facing my direction.

"Bianca said you might like it," He gave me a look, "Naw just take that off."

My face dropped, he started laughing. "Bianca lied!" He said in between.

"Bianca set you up. You need to smack Bianca."

"Look like you wearing a damn tent," he hit my arm as he kept laughing. I was so embarrassed.

"Hayden I want this to work," I said in frustration. "Ouu this a good start baby,"

His laughter died down, "I love you." I mumbled. "I've always loved you."

"What do I have to do to make this work?" I questions as he kept chuckling.

"Well you could loose about 50 pounds then I might be somewhat attracted to you."

I took a deep breath before standing up. "Hayden, listen to me and listen to me clear."

"I'm not fat, okay? There's not a part on my body that is fat beside my ass. I have to perfect body and I will no longer let you down play it."

With that I walked out the room slamming the door behind me.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, I poured me a drink and sat down.

I grabbed my phone and called Zac, "Hey Tima? Is everything good?"

"Yes it is, I was wondering were you still in town?" He was going on a trip for 2 days.

"Yea my trip was canceled, what's up its 9pm? He said, "Want to hang?" I asked with smile.

He laughed a bit, "Sure, I'll pick you up." I smiled bigger, "Okay, I'm ready,"

I hung up the phone and went to change, Hayden wasn't in the room so I assumed he was in the bathroom.

After I got down I went back downstairs and Zac was outside, I went with him.

He drove us to the lake and we sat there talking and eating until 3am when he dropped me off.

"I had an amazing time Tima," I blushed, "So did I Zachary." I exclaimed.

"See you around."

"See you."

- Seventh Chapter -
Danielle Horace
Same Day at 9pm

"You ready to talk about this? I asked Pres as I entered the room.

"About what?" He flipped his magazine, "You telling Monica not to call me."

"If you dont understand why there's nothing I can say Danni," he spoke and I scoffed.

"Okay what is this really about?" I walked over and sat in front of him.

He laughed, he sat his magazine down on his chest. "Oh Danielle." He looked at me.

"What what? Cause this isn't about us spending time together is it?

He grabbed his drink and took a sip.
"I'm trying to say what's on my mind in the most productive way possible."

"You always say what's on your mind." He replied, "Not when I comes to you."

"I'm beginning to think you're doing this purposefully." He said after a moment of silence

"What are you talking about?"

"You know I want a son, so you fight with me every night so we dont have sex,"

I took a deep sigh, maybe that is true I dont know.

"We've been here 4 days, when do you think you'll be ready?" I dont know Preston, I thought.

I looked away and didn't speak, one again he found laughter in that. "L OH L"

"goodnight d," he grabbed his book basically dismissing me, I got up and went to the bed.

I laid in with a attitude, "Goodnight Preston," I mumbled.

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