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- Eleventh Chapter -
Danielle Horace
December 17th

As Preston got in the car I could feel the tension thicken. Last night was a hell of a night for our friend group.

Preston didn't even come in the room, I was livid that Hayden would say that. But I was even more livid because Tima told him.

I love Fatima wholeheartedly but I'm so hurt that she would reveal that to him.

"Can you stop at this store, I need Advil." I asked him, he didn't respond but he pulled into the gas station.

I hopped out the car as he did the same, I went in and got me some snacks along with a Advil. He put 60$ in our tank.

I went out the the car while he pumped the gas, I got a phone call as I sat in the car.

It was Monica, "Hey Monica, what is it?" Pres hopped back in the car. "Ms.Horace I wanted you to know the shipments came in."

"Okay that's great! Could you place them all in my office, also can you push up my appointments."

I felt Preston glaring at me, "Ill be home sooner than I expected." , "Okay that's good! I'll do so, for what day?"

"Um maybe the 20th." I spoke, we talked more before I ended the call. Preston chuckled, "That's just like you."

"What?" I turned to face him, "To throw yourself back into work as if we have nothing to work on."

"Please not right now, I can't deal." I spoke, "You never can deal D, it's so hard to communicate with you."

"You never make time for us anymore, I feel like I'm alone in a marriage." He explained.

"Okay Preston." I mumbled, he scoffed before turning his attention back to the road. I felt irritated.

I don't know why I never told him about getting my tubes tied but I felt horrible.

Preston is right, I do neglect our marriage a lot. I don't know why I do it though. It's become such a cycle that I don't recognize.

I love my husband I truly do and I do need to show him more appreciation but it's hard with the level I'm on.

I just feel like he doesn't get me like he used to, he doesn't tell me how I feel anymore. We're married now so I don't know.

— Preston Horace —

I was hot, I mean livid. I knew that Danni saw the veins popping out of my forehead and the redness in my face.

I couldn't believe she did all of that without even talking to me. That was so inconsiderate and I would never.

I'm beyond hurt, I don't even think this marriage will last once we get back to Atlanta.

There's too much tension and animosity towards each other and it's so sad because we're husband and wife.

We've been trying to pretend everything is fine for years to please Sabrina and Calvin the relationship experts.

It's just so hard, when I feel like every time  I look at Danni I see a different person. I don't see the woman I married.

I don't see the one I love with everything in me, I don't see the woman I fell inlove with. I hate that she's changed up on me.

Throughout our relationship timeline Danielle had always been so wishywashy. The only thing she stuck to was frequent sex.

However I didn't let that last for too long because I fell inlove with her.

I fought long and I fought hard for her love and I won. But now it's feeling like I lost all over again.

I'm feeling like the Preston who had to beg for old Danni to let him come over and I hate that.

My wife is slowly becoming a stranger in my life and she doesn't care.

She's allowing herself to loose interest in being with me, being a family and loving me the way she should.

She's allowing herself to let go all the love we've built through blood,sweat and tears over all these years.

I looked over at her to see her asleep, "I feel like you're falling out of love with me and I hate it." I mumbled.

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