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- Eighteenth Chapter -
Fatima Wilson
December 28th

"I really love your dads place," I spoke as I sat across from Zac. "But I gotta pay you back,"

"Naw it's all good," he said as he smiled sipping his coffee, "My legs are sore, I workout all the time but that was a lot." He laughed.

I had continued my routine with working out every morning but it was a lot hardcore now with Zac, he was more mainly so I did what he did.

"No pain no gain right?" He titled his head with a smirk, I shrugged. "I guess,"

"I need to tell you something," I said a little low, "Yea wassup?" He said putting his napkin away, "I'm a little vulnerable right now.."

"And I take kindness as likeness so if I'm a little weird I want you to know I'm sorry." I put my head down, he grabbed my hand.

"Ion know Fatima, I might have the same thing going on as you." He said, I laughed with a smile. "What're you talking about?"

"I'm serious," I stoped laughing and stared at him, he stared back at me. "That man was trying to break you." He spoke.

"Everyday I see you take some of that power back- I didn't do nothing, I just signed the papers I didn't even fight." I responded back.

"Sometimes signing the papers is all you need to do," he said before grabbing his cup, "Don't play with me," I mugged him.

"Play ? How?" I didn't respond, "I mean Tima you are any amazing, intelligent, spiritual, sexy, strong and beautiful woman."

"Not as big as I am," I joked, "If you're not happy about the way you look then change it." He said with a shrug.

"Stop downing yourself, it's not attractive." He told me, "I don't like it and it makes me awkward for you." He informed me.

"Sorry, im just so used to it. Hayden used to say things so I try to beat him to it."

"Well Ian Hayden." He said, we had a staring contest until he leaned over and kissed me, I kissed back before pulling away.

— Sabrina Rodney

"What're y'all doing here did something happen to Fatima?" I asked scared, I was nervous ever since I got the call.

"No no no no, calm down don't worry we're okay she's okay." They reassured me, "Oh thank God!" I raised my hand in the air.

"I thought someone died, what's up?" , "We got men problems," Andi said with a obvious tone. I should've known. "Oh just men, I can deal with that."

"Okay what happened,". "Preston left, moved out, got his own apartment. He's furious with me and I mean furious."

"And I have never seen Gary so mad, he ate us up. Jasmine deserved it though."

"And Andi you didn't? You know if I didn't know these men I'd think they were crazy." , "They are!" The girls spoke.

"Will you call them and talk to them atleast?" They gave me a look, "I'm not doing that bullshit." Andi spoke harshly.

"Yea no I'm not going to be all vulnerable." Danni said with a shrug, that's her problem now. She says that until Preston serves her them papers.

"Girls what's up, like do you not love your husbands?" I asked my dear friends, "I do but it's like Gary just angers me so much."

"I don't like this that's going on with Preston, he has never left." Danni admitted with a pout, "I bet, and you still won't call?"

"Absolutely not," , "You guys are pathetic!" I spoke through emotions, I was going through a lot as well along side them.

"Why is everyone so hard at sharing their feelings, if you can't be honest with your man who will you be vulnerable with?" I spoke sitting in between them.

"You," they said in sync with a laugh, "this is the reason they're so upset at you, tell them your feelings!"

"I am not about to do that period!" Andi spoke, "See Andi your problem is you want everything your way."
"So?" She put her arms up.

"I'm not ready to face possible rejection, im just not." Danni said, "Rejection? He's your husband!" I yelled at her.

"Look at you two looking like lost puppies, tell them what you tell me 24/7. Tell them the truth and how you feel."

"Ugh she makes me sick," Andi turned to Danni, "She always got some smart to say."

"Here's what I want you to do, take a paper and write down all the good things and the bad things on the other side."

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