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December 51st, twentieth month of 2998

Around Christmas time Surveyors brought in troubling reports on the sun's position and Farmers began to prepare for a long winter. On the thirty fifth day of December snow began to fall; crops began to fail, and rations began to be non-perishable food.

However, we had enough food to last until March so no one particularly cared (And the farmers were good at saving resources so event they did not care either. Also, most kids and adults were having too much fun in the snow to do much. With the snows covering the wall people began to refer to the werewolves as those of The Night's Watch. Revolutionary I tell you, a huge step forward.

Around Christmastime we held another tournament and my department had to set literally everything up. No one helped. However, the snows allowed us to make snow forts in the ring and stock them with snowballs.

While we were setting up another group of ours suddenly assumed battle positions on their snow fort and began firing snowballs at us. We immediately knew the rules and a few of my group fell quickly before we managed to take cover. "Behind the wall!" I yelled, "Whomever gets hit goes to the stands!"

I jumped behind the wall and began to fire from the window in front of me. A snowball raced passed me and I cursed under my breath, retreating behind. "Well, this is fun." said the man beside me, Wedin if I remember right, he had natural brown hair and was born and raised in Diag. People born in Diag have been observed to have strange hair and eye colours, from natural blue to green, all colours had an equal chance of appearing for whatever reason and colour usually ended up being the faction that they would join.

Another snowball sent snow falling down the wall, "A lot of fun, Wedin, focus on their wall, if we can break it then we will have time to strike a good many of them, also send someone to launch an invasion, that should distract them." He nodded and said, "I need cover."

I looked out and said, "on three, one, two, three!" I began to throw at the wall with all my strength, damaging it and knocking someone off it as well. He sprinted over to the other section and told them what I had commanded, then with a wild whoop rushed over to the enemy wall. They were slow to react and by then he had already reached them, he took down four of the nine that were left before being knocked out himself and by then we had torn down their wall and they had other problems.

I jumped down the ten-foot drop into the snow and ran over with others close behind. When we reached the enemy fort those left behind fired at us to little avail, we still won.

By then a small crowd had gathered to watch the game and they burst into applause. We bowed and curtsied to them before Cordlen stood and said, "Admirable job Granger, you were right that a distraction is key."

That was strange. I have a feeling they were trying to tell us something. Anyway, after that we rebuilt the walls and restocked the forts. We then moved on to collecting trash around the city. What do we do with it? We burn it. We have a small clearing outside the city where we bring the trash bags and signal for the energy faction to burn it. Charolette sometimes shows up to burn it to treat her addiction to fire.

Alvaro seems worried for her because of her illness but with our limited resources there is not much we can do. However, he assigned Charolette a therapist to try to help but Niki is helping more, teaching Charolette how to treat her addiction. When and how Niki learned such things no one is sure.

Anyway, after that lovely affair we went ahead and went underground. There was a small web of tunnels under the city, we used those to make wells and sewers. The wells are almost everywhere in the city and are guarded by the guardians and a smattering of the Water faction.

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