20th month, January 1st
The wall fell on December forty fifth, but we had anticipated that. Our Mikyana had long since passed out and the wall was so torn up it looked like playdough. We were ready though and had people in trenches and tanks all along the river.
They attacked us until they realized what we were doing, then they raised walls and with their higher vantage points began firing with better accuracy, but we were ready for we had predicted that and made a wall in front of the trench.
Once that happened both sides began to unleash their tanks, firing at each other to little avail since the Aquilians on each side could deflect them. This lasted maybe a day with most of the farmland on the area of the river where the wall had fallen being burned and flooded. Then on Christmas eve one of the nights watch walked out onto the land between the trenches, waving a white flag and singing Christmas carols. Both sides stopped firing and joined in and soon the union had raised white flags to celebrate.
The Mikyana raised a small town for the sole purpose of being a large enough area for us to celebrate. On both sides of the river there were plenty of tents for all the soldiers, so the town really just focused on a Christmas tree that both sides farmers had grown to 40 feet. That night Saint Nikolas seemed oblivious to the war until someone tried to shoot at him. Who knows who it was but when the shot rang out, he merely waved his hand and the bullet sparked against a house in front of him.
Gifts were int eh form of bullets and energy for most but for me he presented me with, and ornate blade called милосердие (miloserdiye) or in English, mercy. He placed it in my paw and gently folded my fingers around it saying, "You will need this soon."
I nodded at that. I very well knew that I would. The peace lasted a week until a bomber was spotted flying in from the Union side, at that our fleet immediately took off to intercept it. They shot it down halfway to us and by the time the shockwave hit us people were fighting again in the makeshift town.
The shockwave knocked most of us off our feet and gave the union enough time to get past and push the line further in. We decided to hold the factory and headed towards it but about the time we reached it the energy faction lit a flame and caused the factory to explode, no one is sure why.
They then attacked and forced us to retreat even further to the cave. At that moment, the wolves burst out though Fenris remained behind. They Helped us hold the cave for the rest of the night but in the morning, On January 1st 3000 with heavy losses on both sides Fenris and his beta's* emerged from the cave to attack. They also led a force of over one hundred other wolves, deep wolves for the most part, wolves that stay far from the central caves.
They began to attack everything that they saw, and the other wolves pulled back and helped them. They took out many before we realized what was happening. A few Mikyana and Aquilians tried to use their abilities but there were two thousand bloodthirsty wolves against the one thousand four hundred that remained.
We began to fall back but I knew what was happening. Fenris had once told me that since he bore the blue mists, he could bend other wolves to his will but when death is certain blue wolves will lose all sense of reason and order a killing of everything besides wolves. I ordered the Night's watch to come with me for we had the wolf blood and thus the wolves would not notice us.
We flew into the forest for one last battle.
Due to the events at the time a census was never carried out.
The refugees, 2nd draft
FantasiWhen a plane crashes through a wormhole the lives if everyone on the plane are completely changed. Occurring over the course of four years the 132 become thousands. A series of interviews pieced together by Genet of the Karios, the dream and leader...