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None POV:

In a space located not even in the multiverse as the cardinal world, there exists a man floating there in endless space as he holds peers through what could only appear to be a view through someone else's eyes.

That someone who was being peered through was... 'The World Destroying Dragon' Ivaraj

As our mysterious figure was busy spying through Ivarage, an Indescribable amount of rage burned at the core of their being. Watching as the favorite of their creations 'Ivaraj' was destroyed. (As of currently their is no info as to where Ivaraj came from in the LN, at least to my knowledge since I haven't read volume 20  yet so I made my own)

The pain this being went through was unimaginable. They felt Sorrow, Grief, Despair but most prominent of all they felt rage. It was pain akin to those who just had either their lover or their child killed right in front of them.

"HOW COULD MY GREATEST CREATION BE DESTROYED BY THIS INSIGNIFICANT CREATURE!!!" roared the mysterious figure. In truth with Ivaraj's origins so shrouded in mystery, As to why Ivaraj was created it was so it grow one day to kill 'The Star King Dragon' Veldanava. As someone who has always despised Veldanava, though when he found out about Veldanavas death he was both Ecstatic and Angry with a mix of sadness. Ecstatic because he was finally happy his great rival had finally met his end with no confirmation if he would revive again. And Angry due to the fact that he wished he would see Veldanava meet his end due to Ivaraj. Nevertheless he was still glad Veldanava had died though his anger had not completely subsided he still had something Ivaraj could destroy... Veldanavas beloved 'Cardinal World'.

But to the Mysterious Beings surprise he saw a creature capable of not only fighting but also defeating his wonderful Ivaraj. A creature named 'Rimuru Tempest'  an insignificant little slime. There Ivaraj was, he was so close to destroying everything Veldanava held dear, then this slime comes along and ruins everything. All these events surprised our currently nameless figure. Ivaraj nearly won this battle but this creature was just getting stronger in the heat of battle. But that was not what shocked them the most. What truly surprised them was that this slime reached a level of power even beyond that of Veldanava, That was a realm of strength the even he could not surpass. He wished to challenge and destroy this creature for what they did to Ivaraj, But that would just be rushing into a fools death. But with all these emotions there were still some thoughts that plagued their mind.

'How could a slime that has been alive for less than 10 years surpass his creator, while my Ivaraj could not even after gaining intelligence.'

it was something they could not get their mind off of. But then they had a revelation.

"Maybe it was the system Veldanava put in place that could allow them to gain enough strength to be on par with or surpass him."

With their anger finally subsided, he thought of a way to get back at the slime who killed Ivaraj. As much as he hated it due to him having to imitate how his rival created his beloved worlds. He was glad he had someone new to direct his hatred towards. With his thoughts finally collected he left these words behind...

"Watch your back, Rimuru Tempest. For you have incurred the wrath of 'Hadon' .


Only 580 words.

I think I did pretty decent for this to be the first thing I have ever written on my own.

If you think this story sounds pretty decent or good concept I will accept and support and whatever feedback you may bring, I welcome the positives and negatives in order to grow. Whether people think this is good or not I will keep writing this.

But if you do like this I will say one thing...

Dont expect a schedule unless I announce it

I am still in school and winter break is coming up so I need to prepare for finals.

But when summer hits I may have a schedule if I'm still doing this.

So.......... Yeah!

like I said any support and feedback is welcome If you want to go follow my tiktok the link is in bio so yeah. THANK YOU FOR READING!!!

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