War Against The Unknown (Part 2)

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To the west there was another massive battle taking place. This is the location of our demoness trio. Testarossa, Carrera, and Ultima. Though they usually despise each-other, during their training in Rimurus [Imaginary Space] they trained to fight in unison for the sake of their masters benefit.

While facing millions of these inferior demons, they failed to make it past the trio. Carrera as the trigger happy primordial she is, could not wait to test her new attacks and skills, as she appeared to be grinning with excitement.

"Let us split up for now, and cover more ground." Testarossa had suggested. She suggested this so they could all see just how stronger they became compared to previously.

"Sounds like a good idea." Carrera responded to Testarossa.

"Ugh. This is the third time I agree with this idiot." Ultima agreed, but also complained.

Upon agreement, the three if them split up in different directions, leaving Ultima on the spot. Looking at the oncoming horde, a sadistic grin came across Ultimas face.

"Better claim these souls for Rimuru-sama. But in the process I can enjoy myself while harvesting." With these final words the demons were encroaching on her position. Ultima uttered a single word and decimated the demons.

"[Nihilistic Apocalypse]"

This is an ability Ultima has created from [Poisonous King Samael] upgraded version [Poisonous Goddess Achlys]. What this ability does is it changes the properties of all surrounding vapors into a poisonous gas with similar properties to Rimurus [Turn Null]. That extinguishes the soul, astral body, spiritual body and physical body. All while putting the target through the most painful experience imaginable. The only way to be resistant to this skill was to be stronger than the user or have an ultimate skill on the level of hers.

Once used, all the demons in the area simply evaporated. Nothing left. Nothing but pure silence hung over the battlefield. Luckily for Ultima, she could control whether the souls of her victims were evaporated or not. So lucky for her she got the souls for Rimuru.

Though as she was beginning to walk away, a lightbeam going at tens of thousands faster than the speed of light of was fired at her. Upon sensing an incoming attack, to our surprise Ultima just stood there, taking the attack head on.

Nearby, a demon was sweating nervously. Unlike the dragons who faced Benimaru, Kumara, and Zegion, this demon seemed to sense incoming danger from Ultima and was not arrogant like them, even though his attack connected. And he was right. Not even in a fraction of a second Ultima appeared right next to him without even a scratch on her and pierced him through his side, with her bare hands.

Coughing up blood, he dropped to the ground in pain from Ultimas strike.

"Well, what do we have here? A new toy?" Ultima giggled as she said these words. But to the demon that giggle only struck fear further into his very soul. Not wanting this fate, he healed himself and sped off. Out of all the demons, he is most notable for his speed. So it is not wrong he would assume Ultima would be unable to keep up with him.

"Gahh!!" But the fool was wrong. He should have payed attention from the start. He did not know when Ultima got to his side and stabbed him. That should have been enough to know she is faster.

This time, not wanting her prey to heal himself, Ultima used another move she developed, solely for torture.

"[Existence Stagnation]"

This attack was simple. What it did was coat any body part of hers with poison. Once she stabbed her victim the poison would regulate around their body. Not just their body, but their astral, spiritual body and soul as well, to prevent any kind of escape if she causes their death.

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