Restoring the Fairy's Glory

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Rimuru POV:

As I woke up, I peered around my surroundings. My head was plagued with thoughts as well as concerns.

'Did any of my subordinates get another benefit from my evolution?' That thought was the one that made me ever so curious. It has been these 300 years so they may have gotten much stronger than before. I might have to fight them when I return to them.

'I guess they really did turn me into a battle maniac.' I wry smile crept across my face as I was thinking this.

'Ciel?' I called out to the manas who has been extremely quiet ever since I woke up.

<I apologize, congratulations on your latest evolution Rimuru-sama!> She seemed to be excited about this new evolution. I mean I can understand that, she does love to tinker with my skills and others skills.

'Thank you Ciel. Any idea what is going on with everyone else?' I asked. Of course I would ask, after all I am excited to see how much they have progressed. Including the other demon lords.

<That is something I believe master should see with his own eyes. Would master like to see his own stats?>

'Hmm, would I? OF COURSE I WOULD! THIS MAY PROVE TO BE MY GREATEST EVOLUTION TO DATE!' I answered Ciels question with all the excitement I could store in my soul.


Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: True Dragon

Titles: Chaos Creator, Ruler of Tempest, Void Dragon, etc.

Ep: 605,756,389(Infinite with [Magicule Breeder Reactor] and [Turn Null]) + 27,476,732(when equipped with Sword of Tempest)

[Void God Azathoth]
-Soul Consumption
-Imaginary Space
-Nihility Collapse
-Space-Time Domination
-Multidimensional Barrier
-True Dragon Release
-True Dragon Core Transformation
-Time Warp

[Creation God Shub-Niggurath]
-Skill Creation
-Skill Creation
-Skill Gifting
-Skill Bank
-Abstract Creation

All Virtue Skills

[Terror God Ngyr-Korath]
-World of Horror
-Mind Domination
-Multiversal Detect
-Mental Break

[True Manas:Ciel]
-Thought Acceleration
-Parallel Processing
-Chant Annulment
-Food Chain
-Skill Synthesis
-Skill Promotion
-Voice of the World Concealment

Magic: Elemental Magic, Summoning Magic, Spiritual Magic, Holy Magic, Physics Magic, True Dragon Magic

That is all from the evolution.>

Hmm, It did not look like I had changed all that much. But my base EP has risen so much, I could probably one shot pre-evolution me. Or that is just an overstatement. But there is one thing here that concerns me.

'Ciel what is [World of Horror]?' Of course this would be the one thing that catches my eye, in the end this might be more dangerous than Ultimas [World of Annihilation] if left unattended.

<[World of Horror] is a subskill to the God Series skill called [Terror God Ngyr-Korath]. This subskill acts as a separate dimension where master can throw any soul he deems necessary. Once the soul enters this dimension, it turns their greatest dreams into their greatest nightmares. Once said nightmare is over that individual dies in said nightmare and is reset like everything was a dream, it goes on forever unless master wishes to free them. As well as their fear generating power to master.>

'. . . . .' To say I am speechless is an understatement. I was completely horrified by this skill. I know I can be sadistic in some moments but this was enough to scare even me.

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