War Against the Unknown (Part 1)

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(Author Note: I am writing this just in case I either do it or lose motivation. Get ready for one long chapter, I might go over through everyone's battles as well as explaining what new skills they got from their training. Again support, thoughts and ideas for things like skills will be greatly appreciated. Another note, if anyone would like character info sheets, please comment. Okay Thank You, Bye and Enjoy this maybe long chapter.)

No One POV:

Our view switches over to the third strongest of Rimuru's subordinates. Benimaru the Flare Lord.

With the millions of demons trying to rampage their way out of the ice continent Benimaru along with Kumara and Zegion. Using their sheer speed they arrived in front of rampaging army. Even though they saw three powerful individuals in front of them. The army did not waver and kept charging.

"Ugh. What mindless beasts." Benimaru groaned in frustration. Both Zegion and Kumara nodded in agreement with Benimaru's statement.

"Let's finish this quickly, so we can return to our masters side." Kumara said eagerly wanting to finish here and watch her masters glorious fight.

"It shouldn't take too long. Don't forget to harvest the souls for Rimuru-sama." Zegion said. He caused our adorable fox demon lord to remember her masters order.

"Lets begin".

To start things off, Benimaru charged up a massive [Hell Flare] enhanced with [Turn Null]. He used more than he used in the training session with Rimuru. He condensed it as small as he could, once done he threw it towards the charging army. Once it made contact It expanded to a massive size, in which that dwarfed even the Kusha Mountains. Benimaru with just his extra skill and [Turn Null] just incinerated over 50,000 demons before they reached him.

Zegion and Kumara not wanting to be left behind, charged head first into the army and proceeded to tear the demons apart with nothing but their hands. In order to finish this quickly, Kumara pointed her hand at the army and clenched her fingers. Causing the properties of space to distort and crush her foes like they were nothing. Anyone within 30 meters of this attack was reduced to mincemeat.

These demons at first seemed to be mindless but now they were actively trying to avoid Kumara. Matter of fact they were trying to avoid all of them, and make it past. Their goal was just to cause destruction to the world and kill as many as they can. So it made sense why they would want to avoid these foes. But some enemies were not trying to avoid them.

Kumara sensing something closing in on her fast activated [Thought Acceleration] by 30 million times and she was still unable to dodge completely as she received a cut on her cheek. She jumped back about 30 feet and wiped the blood sliding down her cheek, before turning around with a furious expression to look at the culprit.

The Culprit was a woman. One with long black hair and dark blue eyes. She wasn't wearing clothing, matter of fact she was covered in scales. As well as having a long and thick tail coming from behind her and dark blue horns coming from her forehead. If Rimuru saw it, he would have found her appearance oddly erotic.

"To be able to have dodged me is impressive. You have proved to be a worthy opponent." The woman said arrogantly. This statement caused Kumara to growl in anger, as this woman was treating her like she was nothing. But soon she calmed down realizing nothing good would come out of blind rage.

"State your name." Kumara said still suppressing her inner rage.

"Hoh, how interesting. Very well. My name is Rirli. I am a dragon and I will be presenting your head to my masters." This once again managed to bring out some a Kumaras rage, as she charged at the woman with a jab that managed to draw blood from her. Like she managed to do with Kumara.

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