Attending Walpurgis

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Rimuru POV:

I am currently sitting in my office waiting for our ride to Walpurgis. Those who will be attending with me this time is Benimaru and Veldora because for some reason he wanted to come with me. To the left in front of me is Ramiris floating above the couch reading her manga, her attendants are Treyni and Beretta. Still she could not look more careless and laidback when I just saw her looking terrified.

As I was thinking that the gate appeared directly in the center of the room, and out came Misery. "Rimuru-Sama & Ramiris-Sama I have come to escort you to the venue." I she said that I nodded and prepared to leave, but when I looked over in Ramiris direction she had quickly put away her manga and was looking unusually serious.

"Benimaru, Veldora lets go." I said as I got up from my chair. "Yes, Rimuru-Sama". That was of course Benimarus response. "Kuahaha!! Let us go and demolish all those who stand in our way, Kuahaha!!" As I listened to these words I just sighed and payed no attention to his foolishness.

Well paying that no mind we got up from our seats and walked through the gate.

When we arrived at the venue the only one I saw seated was Guy, as everyone else excluding Ramiris and Dino who already took their seats, has yet to arrive. As I arrived at my seat I was greeted by Guy. "Yo, Rimuru what you call this Walpurgis for?" Said the Crimson Demon. "I'll tell you the reason once everyone arrives." Came my reply. At this answer guy just smirked and said, "Is it about that massive pressure we experienced a little bit ago?" To his answer I smirked a but myself and replied to his answer. "Perhaps it is."

"So, then tell me more before everyone else gets here." He is being very stubborn like usual. "Like I said wait." I don't know why he likes to irritate me constantly. As I was thinking that the door behind Guy opened and out came Velzard. Though she can be terrifying, for some reason she has been acting like a doting big sister ever since she made sure I didnt copy anything from Veldora. And when she say me she rushed towards me with a big bear hug as my face was smothered in cleavage.


As that was happening I felt one hell of a killing intent coming from Ciel. "It is great to see you again little brother." She said after she had relaxed herself and released me. "H-hello Velzard." After I said that she looked at me kinda scary and said "Haven't I told you to call me Big Sister or Nee-san." "Y-y-yes Nee-san." Once I corrected myself she showed a big smile and went to her seat. While she was walking away I heard snickering coming from behind her and saw Guy trying to hide his laughter, I might beat him up later now. I looked behind me to also see Benimaru snickering too and Veldora heaving a sigh, probably glad that Velzard ended up ignoring him.

During that time both of us waited until everyone else arrived at the venue. One by one the rest of us arrived with their two subordinates. Luminous arrived with Hinata and Chloe. Dagruel came alone like usual. Milim brought Carrion and Frey, But when she entered she rushed me with a hug all while yelling bestie. Im sure she was sad that she could not visit too often since she had her 'Queenly' duties, but I am not gonna lie I did miss her frequent visits. Surprisingly enough our blonde lolicon Demon Lord Leon arrived last with his knights Claude and Alrose. With Leon finally arriving that meant that everyone was here, and I could start the meeting.
(If anyone comments 'isn't Dagruel dead?' If I remember correctly in the web novel it said "He falls into a long sleep in this land, in order to regenerate his own body." So for this he is back from that regeneration)

"Before I begin I would like to thank everyone for coming on such short notice. With that settled I hereby commence this Walpurgis." Everyone appeared to look at me and nod, well except Ramiris who was having Beretta flip her manga pages.

"Firstly, this meeting is about that giant 'earthquake' that we felt not too long ago."

"What are you talking about newbie? That had to be nothing more than a earthquake." Luminous said in denial that anything else could have caused that. I wish this horny vampire would stop calling me 'newbie' though

"You would be wrong about that, because I sensed a unknown object coming this way, and that object appears to be hostile." I dropped on them abruptly. I guess I should not have done that, because then the room felt completely tense very quickly

"You mean, that was not a earthquake and it wasn't your aura?" Luminous asked me, as I could see a sweat drop coming down from her forehead. As I presented this info it seemed everyone at the table were doing there best to maintain themselves. The same could not be said for the attendants themselves. Milim on the other hand seemed to be glad to have another opponent to fight as I saw a mischievous grin on her face.

"Nope, neither of those things." I said as nonchalant as I could be.

"The reason I called this meeting was to inform you about it and to prepare any countermeasures."

"Do you know if this threat has any allies with it?" Guy asked me as it seemed he was thinking about how to go about this.


<As I was observing the oncoming threat. It had about 4 other energy signatures radiating around it.>

"I was able to tell that they have four others with them." I told guy honestly.

"What about the strength of these four? Since this first one may prove to be as strong as you."

<In conclusion one is as strong as Veldora, two more are as strong as Velgrynd, the last one appears to be slightly stronger than Velzard.>

"One is equal to Veldora, Two can be compared to Velgrynd, and the last is just a bit stronger than Velzard, and you may be right about the first." Which again I answered honestly. No secrets during this meeting. But as I answered that everyone else seemed rather tired of this, I mean we just finished a war twenty years ago and we have to deal with more strong opponents.

"Is there any indication when they will arrive?" Asked Dagruel.

<The hostile targets should arrive approximately in 5 days.>

"According to my calculations, they should arrive in a matter of five days." This seemed to get them on edge once more. Not enough time to prepare for what may be a war, and here I am looking unfazed. If I'm right everyone else should be training in our new facility right now.

"You don't seem all that fazed by the lack of time. What did you do?" Guy asked me with his eyes closed wearing a not so friendly smile. I heaved a sigh and proceeded to tell everyone here.

"Before I do, no info leaves this place. Got it?" I told back flaring a little bit of my aura.

"I made a special area that only my executives and whoever they or I deem necessary to train in. In this area you can get a decades worth of training in one day in the real world, or however much time I want someone to get in a day. So in short these five days are meaningless to us." It seemed like they wanted to be shocked, but I am always doing stuff like this. How are they not 100% used to this yet.

"And you were gonna keep this a secret?!" Guy seemed to be a little pissed at me for this.

"In short yes. This was something only for Tempests usage. But since we might have a war on our hands I guess I had to tell you." This was honestly something I didn't want them to learn about. Guy seemed like he broke from what I said, all while Velzard was sat on a chair behind him trying to stifle her laugh.

45 Minute Timeskip

The meeting is now over as all of us departed and returned to our domains. But in the end I will be expecting them and their top brass over here for training for the entire 5 days to prepare. If it wasn't for Ciels interference they would already be here.

'Thank you for stalling them. I am grateful to have you with me.'

<!!!> I think I felt this manas blush.


That had to be it.

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