Enjoying the peace

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Rimuru POV:

It has been 20 years since the Great Tenma War had ended, along with the death of Ivaraj. A lot of events have transpired since then. For starters I guess I have a family now. What I mean by that Is that the other True Dragons, more like Velgrynd & Velzard since Veldora has been on board with this Idea for awhile now. Anyways they have accepted me as the 5th True Dragon. Which... came with some unforeseen (at least by me) events, in which the first happened 2 years after the Tenma War.


There I was sitting in my office battling my worse enemy yet...


Anyways I was filling out these stacks of paperwork until I felt 2 familiar presences come by.

'eh, What are they doing here?'. I thought perplexed as to what she could need from either me or Veldora. Speaking of that lazy lizard.

'Ciel, Where is Veldora currently?'.

<Veldora is currently inside his room in the labyrinth reading manga.>

'Remind to punish him for slacking.'

<Hai, Rimuru-sama>


"You may come in."

"Rimuru-sama, Velzard-sama & Velgrynd-sama are here to see you" said Shuna.

Before actually giving an answer to Shuna I activated [Thought Acceleration] to think of any possible reasons that they could both be here to see me for.

'WHY DOES BOTH OF THEM NEED TO SEE ME!!!' thoughts plagued my mind trying to even just figure out a reason.

'Veldora had to do something, Velzard only really comes here for the food/sweets or to punish Veldora for something he has done.'


'Oh, yes Ciel.'

<I have an answer if you would like to hear it.>

'Eh, oh my bad, I should have asked you from the start.'

<It is rude that you didn't ask me, HMPH!>
'EH!, Ciel please don't be angry with me, I know I will treat you to whatever you want later.'

<!, I will think about it. Anyways the reason as to why they are here->

Door Creaks Open

"Hello, little brother." Said both the Frost and Scorch Dragon who has just walked in.

'Should I even ask why they are here even though I already know?',

"Hello, so what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I said while sweating profusely. 'If I act like how I usually she will probably have no reason to do to me what she has done to Veldora, Right?'

"If I may ask you have been around Veldora for quite a long time, right?. If so you may have picked up on some of his bad habits, and as your older sister it is my job to make sure you don't end up like him." I know I already knew the answer for why she was here, but just hearing her say this is just making me even more nervous.

"T-t-that is correct. H-he has b-basically been with me ever since I was born here."

"Hm, I have decided that I will be staying here to make sure you haven't picked up any of his bad habits". Said the Frost Dragon. I took a glance over towards Velgrynd and not to my surprise she was just standing there a few inches behind Velzard, just staring at her with an exasperated expression.

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