Training the Patrons

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Rimuru POV:

In short I returned to Tempest and headed straight for our facility accompanied by both Veldora and Benimaru. since I sensed everyone was inside, Probably sparing with one another. I arrived at the big gate that leads inside my imaginary space, inserted my keycard and pushed the massive door open with ease.

Upon entry I immediately felt the massive amount of magicules being used here, everyone could release their full aura without any drawbacks and harming their surroundings. I saw a group standing back watching a fight while two of them were going at it. Of course Ultima and Carrera were the ones fighting. While the rest of the patrons including Apito and Souei were watching the battle between the two primordials.

Upon sensing my entry the battle stopped and everyone came up to greet me.

"Milord, it is great to see you are alright." Said Carrera

"For once I agree with this yellow maniac." Said Ultima

"If is Lord Rimuru after all, no-one can defeat him." Praised Shion.

'I really wish they could just be more normal.' I complained in my thoughts.

"If I may ask Lord Rimuru, what happened at Walpurgis?" Asked Diablo while kneeling. There is no need to keep this a secret after all, guess ill tell them.

"We talked about countermeasures for this upcoming battle. We have 5 days to prepare for this, so we will be going through intense training. We will try to get in 500 years worth."

"Hai!" Shouted everyone with excitement.

"Also, we will be having guests. Those guests being all the demon lords,their top staff as well as the other true dragons here for training as well. So before they arrive I would like to fight all of you for your training." Upon hearing that some of them were excited as I guess getting to fight me is a honor. As for some they were sweating and shocked wondering if they could even be able to damage me.

"To be able to fight Lord Rimuru is the highest honor!" This was said by our rival demonesses and Shion. These 3 are more alike then they think.

"Please, give it your very best."

"Hai!!" Shouted everyone in response but some seemed reluctant and nervous about training with me.

I then flew in another direction and landed roughly 100 feet in front of them. "Ready?!" I shouted to indicate the moment before our battle starts. "Yes, My Lord!" They shouted back with determination.

Rimuru POV End:
Benimaru POV:

"Before we start, to go anything less than your full power is disrespectful to Lord Rimurus power."

"I agree with Benimaru here. Our lord has an unfathomable amount of power that is greater than even Veldanava-sama. To not go all out would imply we think we are stronger than him." Diablo seemed to agree with my statement.

"I mean it's not like we will be able to hurt him either." Geld seemed to have no hope in this fight.

"Our lord said to try our best to that's just what we will do." Testarossa seemed to be glad just because she can fight Rimuru-sama.

"Alright, lets do our best!" I shouted with a great amount of determination

"HAI!!" Everyone seemed to be better about this fight.

With that last shout we were ready to face our beloved master with everything we have.

Benimaru POV End:

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